Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time


A lot of the discussion ITT has reminded me of “What have the Romans ever done for us” only it’s backwards and with landlords.

I’m not trying to be a dick when I say “Of course you can’t imagine it.”

I really can’t imagine what life would be like in this type of society. But if this is the scenario we’re considering, you wouldn’t have the values, morals, ethics, preferences, etc of someone who has spent his life living in a reasonably well-functioning Western democracy.

I don’t really follow. I don’t think we’re imagining a world where landlords never existed, we’re imagining a future where they no longer exist. I don’t think you can reliably say that any given ethical dictat simply wouldn’t apply, let alone that the slate is just wiped clean.

But then we’re back to “what happened to the landlords?”

I guess the most peaceful way this could be accomplished is if residential landlording was made illegal and all residential properties were seized by emminent domain for fair market value. But you’re still going to need the govt to become property managers. And it’s fanciful to think this property seizure plan would be proceed peaceably.

And anything requiring more force against landlords would lead to such civil unrest that no one can honestly say "I still know how I’d react. ’

Ehh, the government or something like it, let’s say. I’m OK with a less-than-perfectly-peaceable transition.

Just how much civil unrest dispossessing landlords would entail depends a little on how many fucks are given by how many people about poor old landlords. I’m feeling lucky.

Let me see, the politician’s legally transfer ownership, pass an amendment, whatever that crap they do. Then… a buncha REIT shareholders, who are geographically dispersed, and have never even met before, unite and take up arms against… the National Guard? Fool, I like a good dystopian fantasy as much as the next Unstucker… but I’m having a little problem imagining this one.

Wait a second, now somebody is violently and personally attacking those geographically disperse RIET shareholders. But who? Well we know that the cops aren’t attacking them, and the renting folks aren’t attacking them (why would they even care about them anymore)… so who’s attacking the REIT shareholders… while the REIT shareholders are attacking the National Guard?

Lizard People!

So… in your fantasy world, the REIT shareholders organize to attack the National Guard, then while they were least expecting it, the Lizard People sneak up and attack the REIT shareholders from behind. Amazing! Are the Lizard People secret allies of the National Guard? This goes deep.

I can’t wait for the next episode !!!1!

You might want to reevaluate exactly who you believe is living in a fantasy world. And if you can’t spot the one living in a fantasy world…

It’s like you don’t understand that police departments exist to protect the interests of the wealthy.

  • If I enlist in the Landlord Army, do I have to pay rent for my cot space?

  • Can’t I just quit the Landlord Army by simply missing rent payments on my cot. They’ll evict me, and them I’m free to go home.

I guess he expects they will do the bidding of whoever seizes control, and they probably would. But wait until he finds out that 95% of the country would completely oppose seizing private property so this would never fucking happen anyway.

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Oh, OK. VG. Now, this makes sense.

Of course a force-propped system like landlordism is going to react violently to any confrontation. But, unfortunately, confrontation is the only way to address the day-2-day violence inherent in these force-propped systems. “Power concedes nothing without a demand, It never did and it never will." ~ F.Douglass. So yes, tragically, there will be martyrs.


But, at least historically, such violent reactions by the landlords haven’t been nearly as deadly or brutal as the violent reactions by the employers. There are some structural reasons why this has historically been the case, and although some things are changed today, by and large these structural reasons remain intact.

Here is (an incomplete) list of historical rent strikes: Wikipedia. None of those rent strikes listed were suppressed with horrific violence.

I’d take my chances.

semi-grunch: Is it well known who lovemuffin and Sabo are on 2+2? If so, who are they?

I am well named. It’s in my profile I think.

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This is an interesting idea but I don’t see how it could ever produce enough new housing to cover normal growth. The very idea of a lotto is lots enter, few win.

Perhaps the lotto is only for those looking to upgrade? That would solve the “might is right” problem.

I like how you gloss over the fact that his solution for the inevitable housing shortage under such a system is to quite literally cull the herd.

Next challenge ITT: Coming up with non-violent ways to kill people who drew the short straws under our new system to eliminate violent evictions.

(intermission while Clovis goes back to actually read the post in question)

You really need to get some friends of something. I feel genuinely bad for you.