Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time

So, if the baker becomes successful and hires salaried employees the socialist dream dies?

Clovis: [Dumb thing]
Me: That’s dumb because [reason]
Clovis: That’s CRAZY I don’t even UNDERSTAND what you’re SAYING good grief
Me: I can explain if you’d like?
[time passes]
Clovis: The trouble with people ITT who disagree with me is they don’t want to look past the surface. No interrogation of their positions, tut tut.

This sounds a bit like you’re thinking Anarchism is stealing something from Anarcho-Capitalism.

Anarcho Capitalists looked at Anarchism and said “not being ruled is cool, but let’s keep property, you know, the thing that ruling is all about”.

It’s generally both written and verbally explained to as well as agreed upon as well as additional notices and sometimes with added leniency.


And if he simply made them shareholders in the enterprise: still socialism?

Maybe it isn’t clear, but I’m generally on the “anti-abolishing landlords” side of this argument. I was just trying to answer your question from the pro side, as I understand it. I don’t think that eviction is always inherently and necessarily unjustifiably violent. I’m sure I think some evictions are. I do think there are real social problems involving exploitative landlord-tenant relationships.

I haven’t read enough anarchist philosophy. I was just talking about posters in this thread, not making a general assessment. Also I think two groups of people can have similar ideas without one having stolen from the other. NAP is pretty intuitive, I can think of other similar concepts in very different spheres, like Ahiṃsā.

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First of all, this isn’t the thread to discuss “morality” or macroeconomics. Start another thread if you wanna talk about that shiz.

Second, you don’t have even a rudimentary understanding of what would be in an Introduction to Philosophy 1 text book chapter on Ethics (what grown ups call what you imagine as “morality”).

In such a textbook, you would find such ideas conveyed: a naive greater good policy would approve of 10% of people living in absolute misery, as long as the other 90% of people were marginally happier to a sufficient degree.

That’s your “morality” in a nut-shell.

You are a whiny, little bitch, aren’t you? Real Marxists would keep you around just to fetch the tea and borscht.

“Marxists”? Dunno. But Marx himself would have had problems with Sabo and Lenin would have persecuted him when he cancelled socialism in 1918.

You don’t have to be this way. It’s up to you. All you need to do is settle down, and stop acting like a child.

If you were interested in having a civil conversation, you’d…

(a) not go around gratuitously accusing others of acting in bad faith, which is what you just did to me.
(b) be happy to explain who I was “straw-manning”.
(c ) be happy to explain how I was “straw manning” them.

But we all know you aren’t going to do any of that, now don’t we. Who’s the whiner, again?

Anyways, fool, I made a statement of the form “Some people believe X”. I didn’t say “Joe said that some people believe X”, or “Joe believes X”, or anything about any other Joe at all. I can’t misrepresent someone else’s views, in bad faith, or confusion, or in any other way… if I’m not referring to someone else at all.

That’s why I asked if you were just stupid.

The issue is effective control of the means of production.

The legalistic paperwork, or even if such legalistic paperwork exists, isn’t at all what is relevant. I’ll give a couple of examples:

In the movie Goodfellas, the night club proprietor had legalistic title to the business. But he was so far into the mob, that neither him, nor his employees, had effective control of the means of production.

In the movie The Take (2004), the workers at the recovered factory do not have legalistic title, but do indeed have effective control of their means of production.

Or purge me like they tried with G.Orwell and his wife in revolutionary Catalonia.

Of course, out here in reality land, peeps in say the PSL actually like me just fine… even though I mercilessly tease them for being in, say, the PSL. They really like Sabo doggy too.

That’s because they don’t have power. Trotsky was cool until he commanded the Red Army.

Communists in Spain were cool too until they needed Russia more than they needed Anarchists. Or thought they did anyway. Or decided, what good is winning if you don’t get power.

Worrying about groups like the PSL coming into power is orders of magnitude more silly than worrying about prohibition coming back. That’s what makes the silly red-baiting ITT so funny!

ETA: Communists were relatively non-existent in pre-revolutionary Spain, and the ones that were around then were far from cool. A standard reference is…


Had not heard of the movie The Take. Will look for it.

I’ll just continue posting the way I want.
I’ll assume you’ll have the occasional tantrum.


Liberal: let’s ban private for profit health care!

Conservative: how did that work out with Stalin?

Liberal: haha red baiting fool!

Sabo: let’s ban private for profit housing!

Liberal: how’d that work out with Stalin?


tbh I also don’t see why we should actually ban private health care (which is not the same as saying that I can’t see why we should provide public not-for-profit health care, to be clear)

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Hey me neither, but so?