Abolishing landlords -- it's well past time


Read this without getting incensed and/or disgusted, I dare you

Really fucking gross article from Wapo. Sorry for the paywall.


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…but wasn’t that the answer to the lord question though?


Interesting that they chose to chart “rental properties” rather than “rental units”

From the linked article:

The Census Bureau counted nearly 20 million rental properties, with 48.2 million individual units, in its 2018 Rental Housing Finance Survey, the most recent one conducted. Individual investors owned nearly 14.3 million of those properties (71.6%), comprising almost 19.9 million units (41.2%). For-profit businesses of various sorts owned 3.7 million properties, or 18.8%, but their holdings totaled 21.7 million units, or 45% of the total.

Those 105k “25 units or more” properties are doing a ton of work

Still, that’s a much higher number of “individual investor” properties than I would have guessed. Do we have historical information on that? I wonder what that looked like 20 or 30 years ago.

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Are they considering single member LLCs to be “individual investors”?

And when they say those investors typically own only one or two properties, I’d like to see the breakdown of that data too.

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Shit’s gonna keep getting worse

Soon, we’re gonna be the people from It’s A Wonderful Life living in Pottersville. I mean it’s not like Europe is immune from this.

I think it’s going to be more RoboCop than its a wonderful life.


Or Brazil (the film).



How many properties are you allowed to own and rent out before you’re evil? More than 3, right?

0 sounds about right


You are the exact audience for this tweet.

What’s the difference between hotels,vacation rentals, and being a landlord?

I sit here and think, “Are all landlords evil? If I rent out my house, am I evil? is vrbo evil? Hotels? Is it evil to purchase land as an asset?”

The answer, of course, is “it depends”. But that’s not a very satisfactory answer for political debate.

Having said that I can kind of see the argument against landlords. Millions of people on the left of coalesced around the idea that health care is a right and shouldnt be subject to the forces of the market. It’s pretty hard to believe that, then also think that basic shelter is somehow totally different and the profit motive makes a lot of sense there and an organizing principle for how a society should deliver housing.


Evil is completely subjective. But a situation where we allow people to extract value directly from their fellow humans parasitically without any effort or value creation just because the guns of the state say that a random piece of paper means they “own” a particular part of the planet seems odd when you actually think about it. Obviously ‘thats capitalism baby’ but usually there is at least the smoke screen of generating value and of “mutually beneficial trades” here the trade is ‘give me surplus value merely for existing on land that a piece of paper says is mine or these guys will shoot you’. It’s pure extortion shorn of any pretence.

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Seems like this makes property ownership in itself roughly equivalent on the evil scale to renting out one’s property.

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One problem at a time.

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I would be interested if someone can explain how being a landlord creates less value than a million other jobs.

This whole thread seems to be a huge conflation between the justifiable idea that housing should be a right and then trying to make a bunch of really weak arguments that landlords are some special class in capitalism to justify the first idea.

The first idea can be justified on a humanitarian basis. It doesn’t need poor economic arguments.