A Monkeypox on Both Your Houses: Chapter 1 - Surely This Will Blow Over Soon

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Muskeypox. The virus of the future!


Looks like you were holding AA after all.

Well that’s not great.


Rick Santorum was a prophet.

Monkeypox is the least of that dog’s problems.


Nobody owns a dog.

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Dogs are management here.

Cautious optimism on the monkeypox front:


Yeah, not time to celebrate until kids are back in school for a few weeks and we haven’t seen rumblings of the outbreak surging in kids. Then the question will be, did we seed it to go endemic by letting it jump to animal populations? At least if we did, vaccines to ring vaccinate should be much more widely available in a year’s time.

I haven’t heard anything about it being detected in rodents yet, so fingers crossed.

No, me either, but I think we know of a dog getting it, right?

In France, yes.

I have an employee who got the monkeypox vax. They put it in his forearm and said they could distribute more doses that way (as opposed to the shoulder). Two weeks later he still has a noticeable welt and he says it’s still sore.

Smallpox vaccine is a bitch too, or so I’ve heard.


LOL. I wonder what the “M” stands for?

I know. First thing I thought of. I’m going to guess “monkey”.

Prolly already been done but here it is anyway…