A Monkeypox on Both Your Houses: Chapter 1 - Surely This Will Blow Over Soon

I’m 54. No scar, but I’ve been looking this up and a scar proves you got it, but no scar doesn’t prove you didn’t. I don’t know and my parents aren’t around to ask.

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Where do you look for the scar? Just on the arm?

On your shoulder. It’s pretty distinctive.


53 here - I don’t have that scar.

As you may have seen, I’ve recently discussed this with someone essentially our age who has no scar and confirmed getting the vaccine. Maybe at the end it was a different/better/less scar inducing formulation, or maybe we didn’t get it, or maybe we just didn’t scar. ?

I don’t think my parents had the scar either and I think vaccination was routine in the 1940s.

I assume most people can find their full vaccination history in their medical records? Seems like this is an answerable question if necessary.

I went online and they do have an immunization record for me which looks just like the ones we have for our kids, but the oldest record is 2019 (shingles vaccine). I had a tetanus shot like 10 years ago and that’s not even on there. My childhood vaccination records from 1968 probably exist somewhere in the world, but I don’t know they’d be easy to get.

I’d just as soon get a new round of the vaccine rather than depend on immunity from 40+ years ago. In theory the immunity from the pox vaccine should be very durable but who knows.

It’s only transmitted sexually so far (or almost only)? I’m on my first and last marriage and faithful. At this point I don’t think there’s much risk for me personally.

Absolutely not. Close contact also can spread it, and there’s a lot we don’t know about this version of monkeypox. It seems pretty clear that it’s better at spreading person-to-person than usual.


Ya, I’m married and still worried. I’m worried about my shower team that I play hockey with this fall/winter.


We’re gonna fuck this up worse than Covid

Good news is we already have vaccines and treatments in the bag, unlike with COVID.

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So unbelievably stupid.

Biggest lesson of early COVID is we wasted a month thinking it wasn’t being transmitted among people without international travel because we weren’t using limited test supplies on people without international travel.

Great way to make all of the statistics about the outbreak worthless.

Are you hearing any reports from medical colleagues this is happening?

  1. Why wouldn’t she just say she’s gay?

  2. How would they even verify it?

I’ve been lightly following this. How concerned should I be spending every day in a poker room in a large city? How close of a contact does this need to spread? Skin to skin, or does surface contact transfer the pox?

It can transfer from surfaces, including clothes, towels, and bed sheets. As to how common that is in this outbreak, it seems impossible to say.

I’m pretty confident that it’s only showing up primarily in the MSM population because we’re only testing the MSM population because it’s only showing up in the MSM population, which is a recipe for fucking this up big time.

The CDC on this reminds me of the TD at a Planet Hollywood tourney several years back. They blew the bubble and had to pause 15 mins and use surveillance to find the first person ITM they had sent away with nothing. On the first pay jump they went hand for hand over like a quarter of a buyin pay jump as if to prove they could run a bubble without fucking up, and they fucked it up again.

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I know if one case from a friend were they requested testing but couldn’t get it because they didn’t report msm.