A Monkeypox on Both Your Houses: Chapter 1 - Surely This Will Blow Over Soon

Is there a pediatric vaccine?

Iā€™m kind of just a basic moron here but I donā€™t get why we arenā€™t ramping up production of the smallpox vaccine and vaxxing everyone in sight. Itā€™s a DNA virus itā€™s not even hard for us to eradicate this right now.

Yes, the old smallpox vaccine is allegedly effective.

The reason weā€™re not mass vaccinating is that monkeypox is a lot easier to control and itā€™s not fatal.

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I donā€™t even need a mass rollout. Iā€™d be happy if there was some way for those who wanted it to be able to get it without much difficulty.

The mutation rate of a virus is more dependent on the polymerase or reverse transcriptase than on being a DNA vs. RNA virus, but I agree we should be making the small pox vaccine widely available.

14 days to double from 8k to 16k.

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What other businesses might be worth investing in due to Monkeypox? Gloves, sanitizer & skin treatments?

I also bought SIGA back then, they make the treatment. After seeing peopleā€™s reactions to covid, I donā€™t think expecting widespread glove/sanitizer use is wise.

I got in a whe ago at 10. Later doubled my postion at 10.65 . Then cut it Iā€™m half again. Half is in the Roth the other in a traditional account.

Nice! Iā€™m not home and donā€™t have the info on this laptop, but I think I had the intrinsic value range estimated at something in the $14-15 range, and considered selling recently, but I feel like thereā€™s a really high likelihood it overshoots that - possibly by a large amount.

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When we hit the ā€œpersonal economicsā€ stage of a new pandemic, shit has gotten real.


Going to switch sides to the monkeypox now Iā€™ve found a way to get rich off it.


This seems like not the best messaging


I guess terrible communication skills arenā€™t disqualifying for CDC director.

9 days later weā€™re at 16,836 global (+44%) and 2,890 in the US (+97%). US testing capacity sucks, but itā€™s hard to draw conclusions globally based on different policies around smallpox vaccination.

Just found out co-worker who has been on leave for months has had Monkeypox. Would be one of very very few cases in Australia. Of course the office is reacting as insipidly as youā€™d imagine with everyone considering this as his outing.