A Monkeypox on Both Your Houses: Chapter 1 - Surely This Will Blow Over Soon

I don’t even need a mass rollout. I’d be happy if there was some way for those who wanted it to be able to get it without much difficulty.

The mutation rate of a virus is more dependent on the polymerase or reverse transcriptase than on being a DNA vs. RNA virus, but I agree we should be making the small pox vaccine widely available.

14 days to double from 8k to 16k.

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What other businesses might be worth investing in due to Monkeypox? Gloves, sanitizer & skin treatments?

I also bought SIGA back then, they make the treatment. After seeing people’s reactions to covid, I don’t think expecting widespread glove/sanitizer use is wise.

I got in a whe ago at 10. Later doubled my postion at 10.65 . Then cut it I’m half again. Half is in the Roth the other in a traditional account.

Nice! I’m not home and don’t have the info on this laptop, but I think I had the intrinsic value range estimated at something in the $14-15 range, and considered selling recently, but I feel like there’s a really high likelihood it overshoots that - possibly by a large amount.

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When we hit the “personal economics” stage of a new pandemic, shit has gotten real.


Going to switch sides to the monkeypox now I’ve found a way to get rich off it.


This seems like not the best messaging


I guess terrible communication skills aren’t disqualifying for CDC director.

9 days later we’re at 16,836 global (+44%) and 2,890 in the US (+97%). US testing capacity sucks, but it’s hard to draw conclusions globally based on different policies around smallpox vaccination.

Just found out co-worker who has been on leave for months has had Monkeypox. Would be one of very very few cases in Australia. Of course the office is reacting as insipidly as you’d imagine with everyone considering this as his outing.



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WHO report dated today (this doesn’t look like a permanent link):

3.3 Case profile (overall)

The following outputs reflect various demographic characteristics in confirmed monkeypox cases. Note that these data are only derived from detailed case data, and as a result, total numbers of cases and deaths may differ from those reported via aggregate case data where reporting is not fully aligned.

As shown below, and stated previously, the ongoing outbreak is largely developing in MSM (Men who have Sex with Men; defined as homosexual or bisexual males in reporting forms) networks. In the following analyses, we have re-coded men reported as bisexual as MSM. Note that reported sexual orientation does not necessarily reflect who the case has had recent sexual history with nor does it imply sexual activity. Generally, severity has been low, with few reported hospitalisations and deaths:

  • 98.9% (13740/13893) of cases with available data are male, the median age is 36 years (IQR: 31 - 43) .
  • Males between 18-44 years old continue to be disproportionately affected by this outbreak as they account for 77.1% of cases.
  • Of the 13,933 cases where age was available, there were 84 (0.6%) cases reported aged 0-17 , out of which 24 (0.2%) were aged 0-4.
  • Among cases with known data on sexual orientation, 98.3% (5996/6099) identified as MSM . Of those identified as MSM, 54 / 5996 (0.9%) were identified as bisexual men.
  • Among those with known HIV status 38.0% (2,352/6,197) were HIV-positive . Note that information on HIV status is not available for the majority of cases, and for those for which it is available, it is likely to be skewed towards those reporting positive HIV results.
  • 322 cases were reported to be health workers . However, most were infected in the community and further investigation is ongoing to determine whether the remaining infection was due to occupational exposure.
  • Of all reported types of transmission, a sexual encounter was reported most commonly, with 3,603 of 3,939 (91.5%) of all reported transmission events.
  • Of all settings in which cases were likely exposed, the most common was in party setting with sexual contacts , with 569 of 1,380 (41.2%) of all likely exposure categories.

So it looks like a really high percentage is likely transmitted via sexual contact, but you’ve got to take that with an enormous grain of salt because of the bias in the tested population and the self-selection in reporting. (Here, you’ve got roughly 14,000 cases and they’re reporting sexual orientation for less than half that group. The reported transmission numbers are based on less than a third of that number.)

So you could say that transmission via sexual contact could be >90%, as the WHO report suggests, but it could also be as low as 26% if none of the omitted cases were via sexual contact. Big range!

If this stuff spills back into the rodent population we’re never getting rid of it.