2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


This is where I am



The fascism part is right but the climate part isn’t fair. Biden has been one of the best presidents ever on climate change.

Yeah but Trump is going to undo all that and then some.


I actually doubt it. The inflation reduction act contained most of it and I don’t see republicans killing it as it brings tons of money to districts. Trump doesn’t care.


Biden is now trumps biggest booster.

This was a great watch. No idea who she is, or what her normal content is, but she’s very articulate and smart

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That’s Jessie Gender, one of the bigger transgender content creators on YouTube and Nebula. She just released her first short film Identiteaze. She has a ton of Star Trek analysis too.

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No matter how far we’ve gone, we always need to go further. Current stated policies scenario has us burning at 2.7 degrees. The US backsliding at all instead of accelerating is catastrophic.

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The big save speech!





That poor sign language interpreter, lol.

“I realize I was fucking your wife. I personally asked you to extend your service. Hahaha. Forgive me.”

  • Joe Biden, 2024

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This is deeply depressing, but I think it’s illustrating something too. Parties are weak, and they produce results that voters hate. Voters blame the parties for failing, and their hatred weakens the parties, and the cycle repeats. Structurally, the problem we have here is that our nominating system is intentionally designed to make it impossible for “the party” to refuse to nominate a person who wins a majority of delegates in primaries. Remember how mad people got about the mere prospect of superdelegates playing a role in 2016? Remember how enraged Sanderistas got at the idea that “the party” encouraged consolidation behind a candidate in 2020?

The system we had 50 years ago would have protected the electorate against Biden (and Trump) much better than the one we have now. But we destroyed it. And now people rage at largely imagined “eDems” for the fact that we tied their hands. God knows what disastrous lessons people will learn from this debacle.


Boy this is the wrong lesson. It wasn’t better when 5 rich dudes picked the candidate over brandy.

The issue is your entire electoral system is top to bottom terrible. There isn’t a redeemable part.

It’s by far the worst one among similar “democracies”.


American democracy is absolutely a poorly designed system! The only reference point the people who came up with it had was whatever they could glean of the Roman Republic from the surviving books of Livy. It’s not some wizard insight that American political institutions are outdated and don’t work all that well. The question is how do you make them at least moderately functional. There are two basic answers. One, which is a totally unacceptable price to pay, is that you can have a politics built around the disenfranchisement and exploitation of black people so that polarization happens along sectional lines rather than partisan ones. The other, better, approach is to have less internal democracy within parties so that they have discretion to pick candidates that voters will actually like. This is absolutely not a perfect solution, and if there was some way to have a Westminster-style parliamentary system, I’d want that instead, but there isn’t.

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