2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

We are absolutely roasted.

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one way to look at this is he is trying to save face to paint his withdrawal as a selfless gesture rather than a forced resigning

this week: no oneā€™s pushing me out
next week: no one pushed me out, but i am deciding to drop out on my own choice because i believe itā€™s for the good of the country

right now Biden is a scared animal trapped in a corner, Dems should be doing everything they can to give him an easy out, and also using RBG as an example of what can happen to someoneā€™s legacy if they hang on too long


Yeah itā€™s really weird, because heā€™s clearly sharp enough to understand this


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Hey guys just back paying attention after the 2020 win did I miss anything?


Keeping the long-form stuff as short as possible. Thatā€™s our boy. I thought it was supposed to be an hour special? I donā€™t know. Seems like something is off with Joe, or no?

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The cookies are black licorice flavoured


Libs: can you believe these MAGA assholes, constantly telling you up is down and what youā€™re seeing and hearing isnā€™t real

Also libs: the guy who couldnā€™t talk in sentences at the debate who hasnā€™t done a single not scripted event in a week whose big save is a 15 minute interview with a friendly journalist is totally fit to be president


Vividly remember telling a Trumper that was upset about him being called a fascist that the inauguration crowd thing, while not substantive, was a hallmark of fascism.


Best idea Iā€™ve seen is for Biden to go on Hot Ones


Guaranteed that Mr beige foods will create out after like the third one though, so prob not the best idea.

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What about ā€œThe Viewā€?


FYP. I donā€™t necessarily agree with bolded, but that is what they are actually saying

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Folks who got their Neurology degrees from Google would probably love to see that.



Whatā€™s hilarious about this is that the quotes donā€™t even express the sentiment in the headline.


ā€œThe president has always had our backs. Weā€™re going to have his back as well,ā€ Maryland Governor Wes Moore told reporters after a meeting with Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris at the White House that included 24 Democratic governors and the mayor of Washington, D.C., some joining online.

ā€œThe president ā€¦ heā€™s our nominee. The president is our party leader,ā€ Moore said. There has been growing talk among Democrats in recent days that 81-year-old Biden should drop out of the race.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul said she felt confident after the meeting and all the governors pledged their support to Biden. The president is ā€œin it to win it,ā€ she said.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, the chair of the Democratic Governors Association, said Bidenā€™s debate performance on Thursday was bad but he felt Biden was fit for office.
ā€œObviously we, like many Americans, are a little worried. Weā€™re worried because the threat of a Trump presidency is not theoretical,ā€ Walz said, adding that the previous Trump presidency was marked by ā€œchaos, destruction.ā€

California Governor Gavin Newsom, who participated in person, posted his reaction on social platform X: ā€œI heard three words from the President tonight ā€“ heā€™s all in. And so am I.ā€

But the real kicker is:

Nearly a dozen of the state leaders attended the meeting in person, but only three spoke with reporters afterwards.

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Trumpā€™s brain is porridge, but he speaks with confidence, so itā€™s all good.


How is ā€œoctogenarians are tired after 8 pmā€ a news story!

Next up ā€œbreaking news, guys like sexā€.

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I hope he gets some sleepā€¦


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