2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Yeah, but what about swing voters in the Presidential election?


The Trump position on natural disasters appears to be that no funding or mechanism to alleviate suffering should generally be in place, but once the disaster actually happens there should be a big show made out of using discretion to provide some sort of aid, while attaching some political strings to it in the process.

A decent microcosm of the Republican party.


Hereā€™s the thing. The Dems still havenā€™t figured out that selling themselves in the public eye is more important politically than being competent. Should it be that way? No. But it is. Trump is the least competent person on the planet on basically everything but can sell himself. Meanwhile the Dems are cast as limp dicked losers by like 60% of the country because they refuse to do it.


The election is in a month. They should care a lot about optics because their future power and ability to actually do the competent and right things going forward depend on optics.


Agree to an extent, but I also think the photo op approach has the potential to backfire against those who are actually responsible for helping. The media would stir a narrative of Harris/Biden making appearances for political reason while regular folks have lost everything. Trump has the advantage of not being responsible for shit right now so photo ops are fine.

Governors - including Republican- have all said they are getting what they need from the federal level. Dems need to find a way for that message to cut through. Hell, run ads of them saying it.

Pretty much this. I havenā€™t heard any credible sources saying that the response has been anything other than good but I donā€™t see that being widely reported anywhere.



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I'm Bruce Springsteen

ā€œHi, Iā€™m Bruce Springsteen. Friends, fans, and the press have asked me who Iā€™m supporting in this most important of elections.

And with full knowledge that my opinions are no more or less important than those of any of my fellow citizens, hereā€™s my answer: Iā€™m supporting Kamala Harris for President and Tim Waltz for Vice President and opposing Donald Trump and JD Vance.

Hereā€™s why.

We are shortly coming upon one of the most consequential elections in our nationā€™s history. Perhaps not since the Civil War has this great country felt as politically, spiritually, and emotionally divided as it does then at this moment.

It doesnā€™t have to be this way.

The common values, the shared stories that make us a great and united nation are waiting to be rediscovered and retold once again.

Now that will take time, hard work, intelligence, faith and women and men with the national good, guiding their hearts.

Americaā€™s the most powerful nation on earth. Not just because of her overwhelming military strength or economic power, but because of what she stands for, what she means, what she believes in: freedom, social justice, equal opportunity, the right to be and love who you want.

These are the things that make America great.

Donald Trump is the most dangerous candidate for President in my lifetime. His disdain for the sanctity of our constitution, the sanctity of democracy, the sanctity of the rule of law, and the sanctity of the peaceful transfer of power should disqualify him from the office of President ever again.

He doesnā€™t understand the meaning of this country, its history or what it means to be deeply American.

On the other hand, Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz are committed to a vision of this country that respects and includes everyone regardless of class, religion, race, your political point of view or sexual identity, and they want to grow our economy in a way that benefits all, not just the few like me on top. Thatā€™s the vision of America Iā€™ve been consistently writing about for 55 years now.

Everybody sees things different, and I respect your choice as a fellow citizen, but like you, Iā€™ve only got one vote, and itā€™s one of the most precious possessions that I have.

Thatā€™s why come November 5th, Iā€™ll be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.ā€


Imagine honestly believing this


CNN is covering Liz Cheneyā€™s speech at Kamalaā€™s Wisconsin rally. More of an anti-Trump message than pro-Harris, but probably about as much as we could expect from her.

Port strike is joever.