2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

What’s this? This is not who people voted for in the absolute, but the change from 2016 to 2020?

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Looks like my precinct was +5.2 Biden, change of +17.



He does have her as the favorite now.


Can’t say I’m buying in on wasting resources in Florida though.


only resources spent on florida should be funding that hand saw for bugs bunny


Puncher’s chance at this dipshit

Not this hump

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Oh, yeah I misread that. I assume Scott wins, but it doesn’t seem completely out of bounds to dream of a scenario where he loses.

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A Trump PAC is running anti Kamala ads in burning red Ohio during the Alabama Georgia game. Interesting choice to spend their money. Or maybe they are really trying to help the Senate race and think that helps more than a Senate race related ad.

538 is wrong…and you gave a perfect example of why two sentences later!

If someone is excited about voting for governor, they aren’t gonna skip voting for president. That is EXACTLY the reverse coattails effect.

It’s definitely stronger the lower down the ballot you go. If people are excited abut voting for their neighbor for school board, they aren’t gonna skip the governor race. Or the presidential. That being said, it’s probably more effective in midterm years. It especially works if the down ballot folks are also campaigning for the higher ups.

A school board candidate in a district of 10,000 doors might be able to contact literally every house in her district over the course of an election, while the state leg candidate with 250k doors in their district doesn’t have a chance in hell of doing that. But if the school board candidate also talks up the state leg candidate, that’s free contact for the up ballot folks and guaranteed coverage.

By the way, I have personally seen this work, and have the data to prove it.


I’ve been seeing them so I assume they’re just national ad buys.

I saw Trump and Kamala ads in Los Angeles. Might be national.

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Or that

Anti Harris ads in Utah too. Muting them but mostly because the Google ads are setting off my smart speaker.

+70 Biden in my precinct, although during the election I was in a different precinct that was +67.

And for the City of Atlanta, that’s relatively moderate. Almost every single precinct south of the North Ave is +75 or greater. One precinct (Atlanta University Center) is +98 Biden: just 2 people there voted for Trump.


great gif to follow up that info :+1:t3::joy:

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Florida and Texas would be coinflips if not for the trend of Latinos to Trump

Seems like ignoring Spanish is very stupid electorally

It’s funny because the party of English Only does Spanish outreach while the “inclusive” party is too up their own ass to do it