2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Why is Ned Stark still alive?

Weren’t there some polls at one point that showed a chance that ME district may go blue anyway? Or am I misremembering?

There was one poll to that effect. Seems like an outlier, but it did exist.

Trump won it by 7 points in 2020, but they do have a Democratic rep, so it’s possible.

Couldn’t Maine have passed a “trigger” law that said their system would change if Nebraska’s did?

That deadline passed, or something. Refuse to engage further I will just get enraged with no recourse of any kind.

They never wanted the common people to have representation so idk if they’d care

Not sure if this is well known in Canada, but the framers barely spent any time at all even trying to define the office of the presidency. From what I understand they pretty much just dashed off Article two over the lunch break

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no, it was specifically designed to placate slave states and get them to ratify the constitution

going into that election the GOP was actually worried about the possibility that W would win the popular vote and lose the EC and was prepping a bunch of propaganda to tear it won

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Maine’s has passed, So what’s the deadline to adjust their EC allotment in Nebraska?

January 6th?


I was curious if the date would be January 6th in 2025 and stumbled on this press release from SS. Security probably gonna be tight.

my understanding is that maine could also do it, the problem is they can’t force the legislature back in session quickly enough without cooperation from the GOP

I thought the problem was that any bills pass take 90 days to go into effect. There is a 2/3 provision for faster (immediate?) effective date, but good luck with that.



Poor bastard is going to get crucified by Trump et al.

FSM bless him.

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Good old slightly less psychotic Midwest comes through again (does not include Indiana or Ohio).

Can you imagine the fun that guy’s gonna have if that ends up mattering? jeebus


I guess this is still happening

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