2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

yep. get as much into the courts as possible. gonna suck

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I guess I’m not the only one who has been conditioned to check who the pollster is after every one of these polls.


Intriguing theory from James Carville.


I’m sure it’s also a strategy that allows them to hand pick thousands of votes to disqualify cuz of reasons.

Fourteen so-called fake electors who participated in former President Donald Trump’s 2020 scheme to throw the election results into chaos will once again serve as electors for Trump in 2024, including several who currently face criminal charges.

With input from the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee, Republican state parties in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Nevada have renominated 14 of the 84 fake electors from the 2020 election. Wisconsin’s electors aren’t publicly available until the first week of October, according to state election officials. A legal settlement bars unauthorized Wisconsin 2020 electors from serving as electors for Trump again.

There are no repeat electors from 2020 on this year’s Republican slates for Arizona and Georgia, the other two states where fake electors signed certificates incorrectly declaring Trump the winner.

The 14 former fake electors who are serving again include the Nevada Republican Party chairman, the Republican National Committeeman from Pennsylvania and several current or former county chairs.

Woman behind me is from Ukraine. Her family is still there. She had never heard of Viktor Shokin. Hardcore Trumper because Biden is corrupt and not helping Ukraine enough.

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When the hand count isn’t done by the deadline in cities, they will go to a court to try and get the rest of the votes thrown out. Stop the count!


Yep. It worked for them before.

Facebook shit ftw, amirite?!

I had a Ukrainian ex who admitted to voting right wing in the past while living in Ukraine. But the difference is that right wing in Ukraine = pro West and left is pro Russia. I think a lot of first generation Ukrainian immigrants don’t make that adjustment when moving to the west itself and just vote right wing not thinking about the implications when moving to another country.


I’ve encountered the same thing with people from Vietnam and Cuba.


Seems to be the correct play. The difference between this and Trump’s Fox gambit is that Trump is a big guy strong man who has to look strong, whereas Kamala can just laugh and say “we already agreed to a debate and thats where Ill be.”

This puts him against the wall, decline and the chicken memes will fly. Accept and get schooled again most likely two weeks prior to the election.

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How does this work exactly? Is it just a label thing or does the Ukrainian left pine for the days of the USSR like American boomers want to go back to the version of the '50s that exists in their imagination?



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Looks like he just did “pull my finger.”

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