2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)



The other candidate. I meant this race will be 60/40 at best going into election night unless one of them pulls away in the polls.

You can cite the state polling average differences that have changed over the past two weeks, as I am not a subscriber. But the national polling average he uses is totally unchanged over the period that she has gone from 35% to 51%. He’s been pretty open about the fact that she went down because her polling didn’t go up after the DNC, and now she’s back up again because she didn’t go down after that.

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Will this ever grow old? No, no it won’t!


So, basically they shut up about NE long enough that ME can’t respond. Cool. Cool. Cool. Has anyone read anything definitive about the latest date they could make this change and get it implemented for this cycle?


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[SCOTUS]: Latest date?? LOL!

Everything I have read implies it can be done at any point. I even read something that even if they didn’t do it, in the event they needed the extra EC vote, they could try to do it after the fact.

So he admits he was wrong twice.


You can add Trump who’s thrice divorced. Reminds me reading Nixonland where Humphrey activists, because they thought they were perceived as livatious hippies, banned any drugs including alcohol and having men and women room together, meanwhile Nixon was running with Roger Stone, all sorts of wierdos, and let’s say sexually adventurous types.

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Diddy dropped the ball by not running for potus this cycle.


Other political things that will never grow old


There is a billion dollars waged on Polymarket. If you think money talks then we are a coin flip. 51/48

You must not know Nate

he’s talked about this a hundred times, the model assumes certain things that were disrupted by having the candidate switchout right before the convention. not sure what’s embarassing, he basically explained how it works and what to expect, would it have been better in your opinion to “unskew” the model quietly or what?

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Can’t forget the classic


Pro-Trump Georgia election board votes to require hand counts of ballots


The board voted 3-2 to approve the measure, which would require the hand count in addition to the customary machine count in each precinct. The rule requires the hand count to take place the night of the November election or the next day. But dozens of election officials said that would be physically impossible in all but the smallest counties. Many also said in public comments Friday that it is far too late in the year to adopt new procedures for which their staffs have not been trained and for which they have no funds.

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That’s the point

That would be my personal nightmare scenario… Kamala wins/appears to be winning (pending final counts in some close states), so Nebraska calls a special session sometime between the election and the state meeting that chooses the actual slate of electors. There is a legit controversy, House chooses the Repubublican slate, and Biden lets Trump get inaugurated because he “respects the peaceful transition of power” while Kamala is desperately trying to get a court somewhere between Nebraska and SCOTUS to step in.

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so add three weeks to Georgia’s count?

Nah, any ballots unable to be hand counted by the deadline will just have to be thrown out. :man_shrugging:

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