2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I guess it’s funny in that it’s so low? 100% of them should want Joe in it right now. What’s the point of a pole like this lol

So insufferable


“Always happy to bet!”*

(*Offer does not apply now.)


lol why’s he using a shot with just 1/2 the votes counted and not the final one that shows Hillary winning the popular vote?

politico is, he’s just quoting it.

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(Assuming NC is red, this would again just be the razor-thin PA result deciding the election.)

EDIT: my above parenthetical is wrong. This set of results would be enough for a Harris win.

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If Harris wins NV and GA I don’t think she needs PA.

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Oh you’re right, I mistakenly had WI red in the map I was looking at. The above poll results would ship it if they all held.






I hate that I cannot get Nate Silver’s stupid fucking dweeb faced Trumpy shit out of all my feeds. I am begging the world to ignore this guy.

Your hatred of him is so much more than he deserves. Calling him trumpy is super odd. He is like 100% a mortal lock to be voting for the dems.


God who fucking cares, stop trying to predict the news in advance and just report the news, stop turning political reporting into ESPN pregame bullshit.

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Grimstarr? That fucker still owes me a few big blinds.


Couldn’t agree more. Polls arguably have zero news value. The only people who should care are people actually working for the campaigns.

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Nate does a pretty good job of keeping his political preferences off the record, but he’s definitely a libertarian, and it would not surprise me if his private views are somewhat anti-Trump but bordering on sov-cit levels of libertarian.

Legit criticisms of him aside, I think he’s earned the benefit of the doubt when it comes to election modeling. I can’t think of a single source I’d trust more than him when it comes to forecasting something like that.

Counterpoint: Fuck that guy.


He’s fine for that. When someone brings up an analytical point and his response is “Dur, pointy head academics with their pencils will never be better than those risk takers out in the market therefor I can ignore your point” I think he’s getting a bit too wrapped up in his book.

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