2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Would love to see Nevada go blue for Harris




Still hurting over Shapiro not getting picked. Would have picking Shapiro moved Pennsylvania though? I’m inclined to say yes, maybe, but I don’t know.

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Best outcome for the Yiggy haters is that it comes down to Nebraska, Harris wins, and we get to spam his feed with video of Walz going to Runza

It would be more of a surprise if it goes Trump

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Golf clap for your pony

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As my cousin Vinny once said ‘Uh… everything that guy just said is bullshit… Thank you.’

It’s not subjective. Tough questions go unanswered and we move on to something else because heaven forbid I won’t be able to get this tosser politician back on my show in 6 months. Have to fill that air space somehow.


This is why Fox News watchers are so incredibly horrible at explaining themselves or debating their position.

They try to emulate a Tucker Carlson monologue they saw but have never actually seen real people talk about it so they completely crumble when pressed about anything.

They watch Trump just spew bullshit and then completely move on when asked a follow up and they try to do that in real life without realizing you can’t just go to commercial or walk away when you’re just taking to someone at the poker talk.

We know objectively what are tough questions for Trump: those with objective answers. “Which branch of government is the concern of Article II of the Constitution?” “What is the 4th Amendment?” “Name 2 states in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.” “Which cabinet department oversees our nuclear capabilities?” “What is the capital of Turkiye?” “What did the Dred Scott decision do?”

That is the shit I want to hear him answer.

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I don’t even know most of that shit. I think what would really expose him is:

  • Explain how health insurance works.
  • Explain the process of buying groceries.
  • Explain the female reproductive cycle.
  1. Judicial
  2. Right to a fair trial
  3. Florida, California
  4. Energy
  5. Istanbul
  6. Judicial Review

How’d I do? Am I qualified to be prez, yo?

Hard to imagine how press coverage would be worse, but if reporters start asking candidates to name 2 states in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, I am defecting to North Korea.

Polls today are moving me to WAAF mode again

Thought it was Ankara but not 100% sure

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Hopefully this is true:

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Harris had 48% support to Trump’s 47% in a head-to-head test of the two candidates, and she led by 2 points, 47% to 45%, on a ballot that included independent and third-party candidates, according to the poll, which was conducted after Democrats concluded their televised national convention. The leads in both matchups fell within the survey’s margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.

I wish veep were still on and in an election cycle,

  • Executive
  • Prohibits unreasonable search and seizure
  • California and Oregon?
  • Energy?
  • Ankara
  • Something about how black people aren’t really people (I should know this better than I do)
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I love this sneak preview.