2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Is it telephone? Television? Telenovela? Teletubbies? You’ll have to tune in to find out!


He is SO determined to not leave Florida if it can be helped. I think the theory of PTSD from the shooting takes a hit here, because he’s obviously not afraid for his safety if he goes and does something in Hannity’s studio. He’s just too washed to take on any sort of travel schedule.



Hey, it played great to all the West Coast swing states!

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I let you guys report it to me. I might watch Kamala talk.


My first pole, didn’t know the public voting setting. Take two…

Did you watch day one of the DNC?
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  • Clips Only
  • Some of it
  • Most of it
  • I was there
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Full AOC speech. Pretty good. Preacher vibes going on.

When’s she running for pres?


She becomes eligible in October. She could have ran this year!

  1. She won’t want to run in 2032 after 2 Kamala terms

I’d be happily shocked if she managed to be a Senator. The RWNJs started early on her and the EDems are…well.

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This is pretty good.


I think it was Alton Brown who said once a place thinks they have the market cornered on a sandwich, the quality immediately goes down. I think that’s exactly what happened with both Pat’s and Geno’s.

I’m a Tony Luke fan personally. I think they do it better.

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Wheres I fell asleep during it?

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Maybe she tailored her speech to be preachy because it was at a convention, but that doesn’t come across as electable for president to me.

I’m a big AOC fan and think she is one of the smartest handful of people in politics, but Hillary Clinton gave a much better speech in terms of delivery for a political candidate, obviously Hilldawg has more experience and is top tier regarding speeches so maybe it’s not a fair comparison. Perhaps she would speak differently to a mass crowd rather than a Democratic Convention crowd.

I’m going by not the things that I enjoy, but what I feel speaks to the volumes of people.

how long did grandpa talk last night I fell asleep around the electricity thing

Tapper said 48 minutes

god it felt like 4.8 hours

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Thanks for the heads up on what she should prepare for

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