2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Trump probably wouldn’t even understand Kamala HQ simply reposting his own crazy words, but this one simple trick will continue to be as effective as waving a red cape in front of the world’s dumbest bull.



Most of groups of people aren’t that far from 50/50 so someone having unexpected political views is usually not that big an outlier. Even a pretty big extreme, like Jewish people favoring Dems still had about 20% voting for Trump. Something like 30% of Asian-Americans voted Trump. I can’t find the stat for Asian American Women, but probably 20% or more. So…no more surprising than a Jewish Trump supporter.

This is worth watching if you had skipped over it. The dude is gone. I have to hope that at least some of the people attending these rallies are thinking “wtf why did I ever think this guy was good?” Yea yea ssc I know.

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Nevada is indeed the state where the residents are least likely to have been born in the state (27%).

The US election system is so insane. People are early voting three months before election day at a time almost every other major democracy would not have even called an election yet!

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He’s such a catty queen. It’s too bad he’s like “let’s kill all brown people and destroy the rule of law” instead of “let’s make Entertainment Tonight 8 hours long on CSPAN.”


Who even cares? He’s losing it.

This poor guy wondering why oh why didn’t he take the blue pill.


On another theme, Thailand elected a 37 year old to PM yesterday. Meanwhile, 59 year old Harris is the fresh new face of American politics.

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Some backstory




“Kamala has a serious drinking problem” is the current thing I see being thrown at the wall.


I may or may not scrolled through this thread and wondered what a Pentagon Shawarma is.



(I think this is different from the one above? They both have ABC as a sponsor, but this one is Ipsos.)



Elected? Not. Installed the youngest member of a political ‘dynasty’, following dad and aunt is more accurate

She entered politics in 2021 iirc. Would be like trumps kids being handed the presidency as daddy is too criminal to continue in post


Yah, re: Thailand, they actually elected Pita Limjaroenrat, who is fairly progressive, and his party won 312 of the 500 democratically elected seats.
However, there are an additional 250 seats in the Senate which were all appointed by a previous military junta. In order to be seated, you need half of the 750 parlimentary members to approve you which they didn’t have.

As Churchill said, it would be like if Kamala beat Trump, but the MAGA appointed SC denies her and eventually Ivanka is just installed as president.

Thai politics is fucked up.


they’re cooked

it’s like that thing where reporters check on how busy the pentagon-area dominos are to know when there’s a big secret military operation about to go down

Shinawatra is the Trump political dynasty of Thailand. I think two of her family members are basically banned from Thailand due to their crimes as politicians. One I think is living in Dubai and another in London.

Pretty sure the new Shinawatra is just a mouthpiece for the ones before her.