2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

What if your idea of a better society is that you have designated groups that you get to look down upon and preferrably bully?


Thatā€™s cool, then.

I love these, but who reads or sees them?


Of course it will, because we will get to see them suffer and know that we are better than them

Obv riverman reads them to his kids at bedtime.



I assume they are trying to make some sort of deterrence argument, but I doubt that the ability to secure a driverā€™s license factors into immigration decisions very much.



What is up with Nevada this cycle? I donā€™t think itā€™s ever been anything but blue since the Clinton administration, and pretty safely so, but now itā€™s redder than NC and Arizona?

Edit: NV went for Bush twice, and Slick Willy only narrowly, but it was pretty comfortably blue for Obama, Hillary, and Biden.

Could be Rs moving away from CA during Covid

That is literally the only explanation. Nevada was blue in 2020. I donā€™t believe the polls.

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I know the Lincoln Project guys arenā€™t exactly american heroes but three months out from an election the enemy enemy frienemy thing works for me. Dunno if any of this is true but in my mind George Conway is directly responsible for a lot of these, but also in my mind the funny vengeful side of George Conway has 35% melded with the funny vengeful side of riverman so who knows


no tax on tips?

There are more registered Ds in NV than Rs, but the number of Rs has increased and Ds decreased.

Jan 2020
610k Ds
528k Rs

Jan 2024
595k Ds
559k Rs

people classified as active voters.


Over the same period the number of ā€œnon-partisanā€ has increased by 250k, so I guess itā€™s up to them.

When I was in Vegas this past winter, my female, Asian dealer at the Bellagio was extolling the virtues of Trump.

Representative or outlier?

my guess about why is nevada different now is because it just hits the refresh button more than some other places because it has such a transient population (which would also make it harder to have good voter contact, lots of new cell numbers etc). Also Harry Reid had a machine there and when he retired it prob didnā€™t help. For sure agree with melky about the no tax on tips thing being largerly targeted at casino workers

That would affect my tips tbh



Idk why anyone working for tokes would want to broadcast their political or religion views to strangers. Dumbā€¦


Wow he has really dropped off, I love it. Super low energy, tepid crowd response, zero awareness. ā€œIs that Sophia Lauren? Is that Elizabeth Taylor?ā€ Who, grandpa? I canā€™t believe Iā€™m feeling some sweet summer child optimism thinking we get to watch this absolute trash person steadily decline. Make it pill form I donā€™t want track marks.