2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

He threw the 2020 election on purpose

He really did fuck his daughter snd there is video?

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AI generated obviously.

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media companies have an incentive to want longer election cycles

is it unanimous? probably not like explicitly in their company handbooks

overgeneralizing is bad but this is a relatively minor example of it

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I think elon projects an image as a river person but isn’t actually

in any case I don’t think this has anything to do with poll averaging/modeling does it?

Nate got books to sell


I feel like something was missed by using the trump bus and not the plane.





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I see the outreach to black men is going well.


Missouri going to vote for abortion by 10 points while simultaneously voting for Trump and Hawley by 15.


#2 is the caution point that gives me the most concern. However, voters have short memories, and perhaps they need to be reminded of who Trump is (as he’s been relatively disciplined while running vs Biden)

Ultimately it just feels like it’s going to be very very close. Biden likely benefited significantly from Covid in 2020 and probably doesn’t win without it. If that wasn’t the case, I would feel pretty good about 2024 as Harris seems like a better candidate than Biden was, both with generating enthusiasm and running a smart campaign.

Perhaps something I’m underrating is that it’s tough to run a 3rd campaign. For starters, it’s easier to counter as the opposition knows your moves, but more importantly I would imagine some voters think it’s “enough” with Trump and just want to go in a different direction, even if they have a favorable viewpoint of him.

All in all, I have a lean/wishcast to Harris, but an uneasy feeling about it


Do you think there will be any violence or threats of violence (like people with guns) at polling places or counting centers this election?

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  • No
0 voters

Do you think any states will refuse to certify their results?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Do you think there will be post-election political violence/terrorism?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

looks like a fun party

Yeah. Especially the guy who decided to bring three cups instead of a head.


I don’t think it’s an AI image, and even if it is it’s pretty similar to what really happened. That’s outside of the Roosevelt Hotel in NYC, which has served as a clearing house for new immigrant arrivals while they await housing. There was a time last summer when there was a larger than usual crowd waiting in front of the hotel (probably because the mayor was purposely slowing things down to try to get more federal aid). So that could have been when a picture like this was taken.

Anyway, still a super racist message whether or not the photo is real.

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Ah. Yeah. I think you are right. I got thrown by the fact lots of these folks are covering their faces which makes all the shapes and arms seems off.

Took me a sec.