2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

And some people truly are worse off. Lots of people aren’t much better off. I don’t think many people are living in some world where they are vastly better off than the Trump years economically so that narrative is easy to plant.

I’m worse off, but it’s not because of Biden.

Lots of Americans think the President is the “boss of the country”, full stop. There’s no way it helps him electorally if he tries to say the things that happened when he was President aren’t his fault. Dem cannot win by explaining.

My company’s consumer market data shows that people got mad/worried about their household finances immediately after inflation ramped up, and then as inflation cooled off they kept getting madder and more worried about their household finances. I think that a lot of people really underestimate the psychological damage of even a brief surge in prices. People are highly irrational about it - even people that got higher than “normal” pay increases and kept spending more and more money are mad that prices are high!


Nothing pisses people off more than when all their streaming services each raise their price a buck or two. Like, white hot anger of the gods shit.

You don’t see the equivalent of this for Biden. Based on the number of vehicles decked out in Trump shit, I’m going to guess he wins.

That dude really ran out of ideas

I know this is a little tongue in cheek but there is a diehard Trumpism+diehard GOP base that is enormous. What Trump voters will not vote this time? Meanwhile Biden has pissed off a lot of casuals and hard lefties. Will they hold their nose and vote for the geriatric fuck again? Im skeptical.

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guys like this will be like, “the dating scene is impossible for a man these days”


My favorite is:


That guy almost certainly lives on social media.


Maybe not, though, he might have seen his friend count go to zero and closed all of them

My mom is a devout Catholic,pro lifer and she will not be voting for Trump this election. I have put a lot of work in though I can’t say how much that has influenced her decision.


Yeah, he means:


Someone with comedic skill could do very well with a character super-excited for the election because they consider Trump and Biden the two GOATS.

Sen. Warnock: “I can tell you that if you stay on the roller-pollster, you’re gonna get dizzy.”

Warnock sounds like he’s gonna be a good Biden surrogate

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Speaking of Georgia, my daughter just registered to vote a few minutes ago.



i feel bad for the millions of genuinely religious people who failed this pretty simple test of which of these two men is godly and which is evil. like i’m sure there’s a story in the bible about this exact situation and all the people who followed the evil guy were smited by god’s flaming sword or something. it’s such an easy test.


I thought they all handwave this away with some argle bargle about God sending some imperfect savior or something like that.

I mean one of these guys goes to church a lot more than the other. Now it’s true that in and of itself, that means little. But when you add all the other data points, it should be obvious. It’s not that fucking hard.


Honestly these fuckers would easily convince themselves that Trump is more religious than Warnock.

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