2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

He’ll get some minor detail of the prior agreement changed, or lie about that if he can’t, and then brag to them that he made a great deal. They will lap it up. Until that happens, reporting like this is fake news. There will be no real confusion.

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Now I’m getting a bit shook - I think they’ve finally figured out a winning attack vector.




The election handicapper Cook Political Report shifted its ratings for Arizona, Georgia and Nevada toward Vice President Harris as she continues to close the polling gap with former President Trump.

All three states had been considered “lean Republican” in early July, while President Biden was still in the race and falling further behind Trump both on the national level and in the key battleground states. But with polls showing Harris getting back within the margin of error of Trump, or in some cases slightly ahead, the three swing states have been moved to be a “toss Up.”



What is the difference between EVERYONE ignoring a horrible poster and that poster being banned?

The latter never fucking happens around here.


Bears, Beards, and Battlestar Galactica




Lol, my first though. Its amazing how little they have

Those Gallego numbers are :fire::fire::fire:


Yeah. The GOP nominating dogshit candidates might really matter this time.

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I think the only thing that is going to gain momentum right now is the “why doesn’t Kamala do a press conference??” thing. It’s easy for the media to get behind and push themselves.

That’s something the media won’t let go of, but I don’t really buy that the voters will care.

And look: it’s not even illegitimate to try to force her off-script to go on the record about some things. I don’t even begrudge the media this point. And I would probably find it maddening if I wasn’t supporting her election. But unlike some tactics that I wouldn’t abide, I’m honestly just fine with her holding the line against that if it’s the best strategy, and it feels like it is for now.


A five-point swing among the same specific respondents as before across the battleground states is very nice.


this is why people with a military background are generally not trusting or quietly rolling their eyes at people without the background talking in categorical claims. (fwiw i have no such background). vietnam was the last conscription war for the US, it caused a ton of change for decades into the future, mostly for the better. not the least of which is abolition of the draft. it changed the world’s most powerful force from conscripts to a professional force, which most of USA allies (and some adversaries) also followed.

never give up milking that culture war. it’s going to be a thing for a long time and we’ll never tire of it.

you should have picked a smaller number. 30x of 7% is approx 210% than all of DoD budget. there’s also the issue that clinton/obama reduced the department budget, (sometimes at the cost of servicemen benefits, but mostly by reducing stockpiles and bases), while reagan/ghwb/gwb/trmp all increased it by double or triple digit percent by launching military buildups.

meanwhile DoD employs 300x more workers than HUD, also provides housing for them and their families, runs some 200 schools and colleges, and a ton of things HUD does not. an audit firm found that DoD could save $125-150b by eliminating duplicate efforts without degrading defense capacity. avoiding the iraq war budget (separate $$$) would have saved 10x as much.

USA is absolutely one of them

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Fox on Sept 4, NBC on Sept 10, ABC on Sept 25

Hahahaha so he negotiated against himself and got nothing.


Yeah, the assumption is that he misspoke because the ABC 9/10 thing was all set up, so presumably ABC on 9/10 is happening. Of course, the other two are subject to Harris’s agreement.

This is all a tacit admission that he has fallen behind in the race. He doesn’t walk back his prior position if he’s still in strong shape.

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If I’m her I still don’t do Fox because of possibility that it’s rigged and he backs out of the others


Well if he’s still talking Fox News with a full crowd so that he can turn the whole thing into an uncontrolled circus, absolutely fucking not.

The great deal-maker has given her all the cards here, so she should be able to significantly dictate the terms of how these others happen if they happen at all. And you make a fair point about agreeing to one before 9/10 since you always have to assume he’s dealing in bad faith.