2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I remember a story like that but it was about Al Stewart. It’s true he cancelled an appearance in Phoenix and went to the hospital. AFAIK the rest was rumors. I don’t recall any mention of tigers. Maybe that’s what shady promoters do when performers don’t show. I’m picturing the promoter depicted in Almost Famous who electrocuted Stillwater’s guitarist then sued the band.

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holy crap, I had seen the photos from inside the hangar, but they didn’t really show the overflow


That’s gotta be ~30k people


What’s wrong with that?

He said if Trump wins there isn’t likely to be a peaceful transition of power, which implies that he–Joe Biden–would not peacefully leave if Trump wins. Then he realized how dumb that was and flipped it to what he should have said: that if Harris wins, there would likely not be a peaceful transition for exactly the same reason there wasn’t one in 2020. Small, but just another example of him not being up to the task of effectively communicating or campaigning.


The Behind the Bastards podcast covers this in their RFK series, he’s a falconer and for whatever reason likes to feed the birds he keeps roadkill and rotting meat instead of normal food because he’s a fuckin’ weirdo.


They panned to the crowd at points in the YT stream in this rally and it appears even bigger than in those tweets:

You had to go back 40 years to find shitty support for your weak argument and think it proves something. Thank you for proving my point. Keep supporting the denigration of poor people.

The thing that sustains my enthusiasm is that this will also be an enormous opportunity for allyship. Walz is just the man to be attacked for this kind of thing and yet defend himself in a way that gives me hope.

Not to say it won’t suck to see the attacks, but it’s nothing the GOP hasn’t been throwing our way already. At least this time I’m not worried about feeling like I’m alone and unseen by the people who are supposed to be my allies. Walz will take a bunch of body blows and I’ll feel better knowing he’s able to take it for us and with us.


IMO he is an excellent torch-carrier.


You sure about that?

That sounds like they’re working as intended.

Of course, lagtight will still present the marketing on school vouchers like it’s the empirical truth and will disregard any actual data on the use of school vouchers as irrelevant.


For anyone curious what the playbook will look like.

Then, he turned to Walz record on transgender people, stating, “This is… there’s never been a ticket like this. This is a ticket that would want this country to go communist immediately, if not sooner. We want no security, no anything. He’s very heavily into transgender. Anything transgender, he thinks is great.”

The attack on Walz’s record on transgender rights primarily centers around a 2023 executive order that designated Minnesota a “safe state” or “refuge” for transgender people seeking care across state lines. Before this executive order, transgender individuals who obtained care in Minnesota could potentially have their health records subpoenaed by attorneys general in other states. This notably happened with Attorney General Ken Paxton of Texas, who attempted to obtain transgender patient records from trans youth who received care at Seattle Children’s Hospital, where a nearly identical law prevented those records from being subpoenaed.

Republicans continued attacking Walz’s record on transgender rights on Wednesday. Gregory Price, the communications director for the far-right State Freedom Caucus Network, said of Walz, “He made Minnesota a ‘sanctuary state’ for child sex changes.” Jon Schweppe, the policy director at the American Principles Project, which has spent tens of millions on anti-trans ads with little success, stated, “The trans industry got its guy.”

It’s literally just saying: “Walz supports trans people, and we all know that’s bad right?”


Joe is thinking the question is about trump transferring power after he wins this upcoming election and serves another four-year term. No bro, that’s not gonna happen anymore, they forced you to drop out of the race you old fuckin nutcase lol

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Around the 1:32min mark of the video somebody in the crowd either passes out or has some kind of heat related illness. Walz completely stops his speech to make sure they get help, and it’s and extended pause. He then ties it in to looking out for your neighbors and helping those in need. He’s so genuine and caring. Guaranteed the right will cut up the clips and show him standing there awkwardly, or awkwardly clapping after the person gets tended to, but I don’t care. Fuck em. This is a good guy who I am so glad we get to vote for.


So real question, what if Trump has ptsd and that’s why he’s not on the trail right now?


Attacking trans people completely bombed for the GOP in the 2022 midterms.

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One of my favourite concert experiences is Rage Against the Machine at Wembley in London where they stopped in the middle of Killing in the name of to make sure that a passed out girl was safely crowd surfed to the security guards at the front before picking up exactly where they left off.


I’d feel bad for just about any candidate who was a little gun shy after being shot at, but it’s Trump. You know he’d blast his opponent for not campaigning if the roles were reversed.

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Fuck Trump. Deserves no sympathy and is lucky he isn’t dead. We would all be better off if he was.


You got some thoughts?

It’s a credible theory, but frankly there’s just no way to ever conclude that it’s the case because: (1) he would never admit to that, even if true; and (2) he’s incredibly lazy, which Occam’s razor would probably have to point to as still the most likely reason he’s following a lax campaign schedule.