2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


This really does seem like a slippery, slippery slope.

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The mask is going to come all the way off with the straight up hatred of women.

That’s not fair. It’s sexism and racism.

They will relentlessly push the idea that Harris is a DEI nominee, people eat that stuff up. We need a super competent white man who was never given any unfair advantages in life, like Donald Trump. That’s just common sense.


Not too long ago I would have thought that Elon could never get himself in the “worst person ever” conversation, but now I definitely believe it’s in his range.


Not sure if this loads correctly. A friend is using AI to create a parody MAGA country album. This one is about JD and titled “Gettin’ laid by the La-Z-Boy”


Is the hatred for Elon entirely from his political views or is there something about his various businesses that aim to make the world a better place you don’t agree with?



Hahaha what an amazing question


Political views. Also, seems to treat his workforce like shit and tends to oversell his personal contribution to the product.

What does it matter?

I guess you agree that his successful multi billion dollar campaigns to set back public transit and high speed rail are good for humanity


Is the hatred of Jeffery Epstein the fact that he was a political centrist who hung out with Presidents from both parties or the fact that he ran a worldwide employment program to help young women from difficult upbringings?


lollll hi elon


Which formerly banned poster are you?

If it wasn’t for Elon and his pesky billions we would be living in a Jetsonesque mass transit utopia. It all makes sense now


This is just willful ignorance on your part. It’s very documented and he admits it. He successfully set back mass transit 10-15 years in California and Las Vegas, at a minimum.

You thinking he wants to improve things is just the dumbest, boot licking take possible. And/or the naivete of a kindergartener.

You’ll always be stupid, RAIDS. There’s no fixing it


And yet it does not exist in any other part of the country either, Elon responsible for that also or is possible that mass transit in the US is not based in reality.

In a just world the first people headed to the Guillotines would be the Las Vegas City Council members in charge of approving the Tesla Tunnel.

Just a staggeringly stupid waste of resources that was incredibly apparent to everybody.


NaĂŻvetĂ© of a kindergartner I’m afraid. Read a few articles and your point is well taken now. I still think the hatred stems from his political views for the vast majority of the populace but glad to see there is meat on the bone beyond that