2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I thought this was an excellent speech.

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Turns out it’s not “childless” or “cat (owners)” that JD hates. It’s just ladies.

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That daughter’s name was Albert Einstein.




White woman call

I was at Comic Con and missed it, I was feeling a little down about missing it but then I thought to myself, “wtf, Andi, why are you sad about this, you’re one of like, 5000 total people who are going to be IN THE FUCKING REAL LIFE ROOM when she accepts the nomination. There may even be a Beyonce concert!”



Most of this forum:



Lollll the question mark is just A+++++ would buy again social mediaing!


I respect this and have to raise my hand and say I’ve rebuked people in the past that refuse to vote D because of the same things I’m raging about. Despite all my more recent bluster I may probably vote the same as you - Although, my vote matters much less than other things I can do to participate in this election, to the point I see it as mostly symbolic.

In that case, my calculus is a trump vote can’t hurt me if things go really south. As I said in a previous post, I find the dramatic “omg we’re all going to the gulag if trump gets elected” a bit ridiculous, but the reality from my viewpoint is we may be headed towards a real serious inflection point, accelerated by the realities of global warming and the conflict that will bring. which, also seems to have a weird way of forcing govts into militant fascism for reasons that have been studied but I do not understand.

For those reasons and the ridiculous amount of surveillance the current government enjoys, and is very sanctioned by both parties, if not moreso the left - I find a trump vote on my part slightly positive ev and the moral vote is probably to abstain. I think a lot of voters who have held their noses and have been voting D since the obama years are probably fed up. I do not foresee a harris victory whatsoever, which btw as I said before I will gladly bet on.

I appreciate what you are doing and the world needs more of you but at this point a kamala victory is almost worse long term for this country than a trump one. I challenge people to think about that for a second so I don’t have to exhaust myself explaining it. Trump brings a far greater chance at the left gaining some populist momentum. The “left” now wants to suppress that and has for a LONG time. Thinking long term? Vote for trump. sounds ridiculous to some here I’m sure but if you actually, actually want to advance left ideals at this point I see no other paths forward. He will force a change. It will likely be bloody, painful, and horrible - but the status quo will do nothing. The “left” is pitching the status quo. The status quo is not only horrible, it isn’t sustainable.



Do you live alone with no living female family members? Just curious.


It’s good to be an upper middle class white (plausibly-)Christian male.

You’ve proven incapable of engaging in good faith on topics like this and I won’t doxx myself to the creeps here and on slowphonyexpress, but nice try.

To answer your question though, no, I don’t. You can also feel free to leave my personal life, identity, or family out of topics discussed with me and debate me on the merit of what I am saying or respectfully fuck off.

How about no


I mean, it"s ok. Still pretends like everything will be ok once Israel withdraws (Hamas will obviously grow again and threaten Israel’s safety) and that a two state solution is anywhere near a possibility.



Whitest most single dude in UP


yea not white but good try. the cnn brain rot on here seems to be more significant than even I imagined. damn. go fist pump on this “dunk” in your “private” message groups and spare me the stupid notification I have to read.

What about what I have written matters about what color I am, IYO?*

*careful - your answer may expose how transparent you are.

Then certainly an idiot. I’m sure you’ll love an America run by Project 2025.


Anyone having made the mistake of slogging thru this wall of inane drivel is now dumber for it. Congrats