2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

God, this. Not to mention that childlessness is trending upward as people assess the state of things and realize that the world they’d be bringing their children into is worse than what came before. That’s a valid choice.


One thing that may be true that I haven’t seen anyone post yet - it might be a cheat code to nominate a non-white candidate. Republicans get stuck on how to get around saying the N-word and can’t actually develop a sane attack strategy, because they think calling someone something racist is enough to disqualify them.

It’s like crowd strike hit Republican Windows and they are all stuck in a DEI unqualified bootloop





-German word that means “he who fucks couches, and is stupid enough to tell about it himself”.


I appreciate the thoughtful response and not just accusing me of being a troll. I will attempt to give a thoughtful response to your thoughtful response with a tone that may sound hostile but is directed at the situation and not necessarily at you or anyone else here, although I will liberally sprinkle “you” in my diatribes on this particular topic. Anyone can feel free to ignore me, I have no particular need to be heard or influence the bright minds here. I would like to respond to this post though because it deserves one.

For one, I would like to state that I firmly believe the united states “liberal” party is ruled by a few power brokers connected to powerful, unassailable corporate interests that decide pretty unilaterally who can run easily and win and who can’t. This is especially prevalent in California local/state politics, which is basically a one party state. Unfortunately california power brokers, like nancy pelosi, have become increasingly powerful in national politics - I don’t really feel the need to re-re-re-re-relitigate on here the DNC and how they have pushed aside more populist and left-wing candidates in the past. At this point is transparent, and I can’t take anyone seriously who says otherwise. I have been wrong about this in the past.

These currently elected idiots are paid to lose and maintain the current status quo - a slow march to the right. Slow wealth transfer upward which disproportionately affects minorities, which is not a bug but a feature. It is transparently obvious and has been for a while. All this tokenism about why kamala will win the “minority” vote is delusion and impossibly insulting to anyone of color and not backed by any data I have seen. This is all the stuff that is contributing to my tone, which I will apologize for, but not for the content of what I am saying.

I have been puzzling here for almost a decade why “democrats” always seem to pull a charlie brown football moment and conveniently lose in the stupidest possible way every time, and it’s always to the detriment of the common man and never to the elite ruling class. Oh, woops! The slow march to the right of the “liberal” party in the united states has been ever present and ever forward and seems very much on purpose.

After witnessing this kind of behavior from a supposedly pro-human rights, utilitarian, anti fascist party - for frankly a lifetime, I can no longer tolerate it. Putting forth this scumbag cop as if she is our savior is actually less tolerable to me than biden running, because there are so many other options that could probably beat trump, and gives him an out and places the scapegoat on a woman of color. Maybe someone else could not win in 100 days, but if we werent forced to run a 100 day campaign for the single person in the polling less popular than biden - maybe.

I hope that explains my viewpoint. I don’t particularly care about her moral compass or what kind of person any of these people are. I find this kind of dramatic moral framing a tool of the centrist left to get people to vote against their own interests. Please don’t kill any more kids on my tax dollars, which I pay a lot of. Thanks. That’s a reasonable position to take.


I assumed that was fake, but enough people are going on about it that, I’m beginning to think I was wrong about that. I ain’t buying the book to confirm. That’s for damn sure.

And for some brevity:


In addition to step parents not counting, it also doesn’t count if you adopt, as Vance listed Mayor Pete as one of the childless heathen controlling the D party.


Nick Cannon is going to be a kingmaker if this comes to pass.


Might be the greatest Republican ad I’ve ever seen




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If Pete is chosen for VP then the amusement increases tenfold watching them tiptoe around the gay thing until the slurs inevitably spill out.


Pete also seems more than up to the task to clown anyone who tries that kind of attack.


While the US is most certainly a deficient democracy, the method by which leaders are chosen would not rank high on my list of reasons why. I would more be looking at things like the inexorable movement of political power out of the hands of the legislature and into the hands of the judiciary, executive, and various unaccountable bureaucracies like intelligence services.

I’m not accusing you of making this mistake, but I think people often confuse the process of voting for stuff with functional democracy, which I would define more as to what extent political outcomes are responsive to the opinions of the citizenry. The idea that the precise mechanics of selecting a single person to be leader is what determines whether this happens is very dubious to me. There are plenty of full democracies which function well where voters don’t get to directly select the leader at all.


I was involved with banning cops from participating in the mutual aid organization I was in in Alabama. That same organization created/hosted the anti-Trump protest of his visit to our town that drew a few thousand people, and that was one of the least impactful things we did that year (given that protests should be treated as a jumping off point lest they become the dead ends they usually do). We did mostly serve-the-people type work. Squaring off against literal nazi rallies in our communities, helping the homeless rebuild after every pig-run camp destruction, hosting vibrant political education rallies (the most highly attended had a couple hundred people of all demographics and political orientations discuss paths to M4A), and a lot more.

Yet I’ll vote for Kamala, and voted Hillary in the 2016 general. Political tactics gotta be multi-pronged



So do you think the court killing Chevron deference was a good thing?

No Chevron will just move decisions from agencies to courts, not back to the legislature. The structural problem is that Congress doesn’t really want to legislate. We need a fix like proportional representation to really change that.

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My understanding is the courts are interpreting laws made by the legislature. So the power is still there, they’d just need to make much more detailed and specific laws that cover aspects previously handled by the administrative bureaucracy in the exec branch. So, it is a handover of power back from exec to legislative.

The structural problem is that Congress doesn’t really want to legislate. We need a fix like proportional representation to really change that.

Yes this is part of what I was going to get to regarding @ChrisV’s comment. Handing back to the legislature might make USA more democratic if we didn’t have filibuster and senate which is not proportionally representative to the population. But our system has moved power away from the legislature because they can’t function and that is maybe a good thing.