2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

It isn’t really, it’s just a way to express transphobia that they think is more socially acceptable.


The best right wing slam I have heard on Kamala is the one about how she has “never won a delegate”. The voters didn’t pick her, the party elite did.

I think that is very contrary to the polling and I think she wins an open speed dating primary but that attack might stick.

They have no idea. They just know it’s something they can wink and nod at w/o ever having to state anything that can be falsified.

Sure. I know the jerks of course don’t care about womens sports. I do just like to say that taking sports at all seriously is dumb though.

I just don’t think attacks about OMG SHE HAD SECKS are going to land in 2024 but maybe I’m wrong.

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Did you not read? It’s about women’s rights! Something Republicans care about!

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Yeah unless your team has Patrick Mahomes.

Right, pretty sure Trump already has the incel vote on lock.


Patrick MaWho?

The notion that what we have, 2 private organizations deciding the only really viable candidates, is anything like democratic is absurd. USA is very deservedly ranked as a ‘deficient democracy’.


Oh my god thats incredible.

And yet you see Democrats arguing all the time that the process is too democratic.

Gotta love the female Fox anchor doing the ole collar tug at the end there

Jeebus, if only.

Except for those who like it rough, I guess

And the thing is. The reason rent is $5000 is because trump voters are buying up all the homes and destroying the poor

The former president was literally convicted of paying hush money to a porn star. How can you possibly present an attack on anybodys sexual proclivities after that?

Simple response “None of my personal sexual decisions ever led to a felony conviction.”

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Not to mention sex is fun. It isn’t shameful to be pro-sex these days. If anything it’s the other people who are the weird ones.

I got raised in a very puritanical christian home and I still have hangups about sex to this day because of it. And it sucks. If anything I’m jealous of anyone who just loves and enjoys sex for what it is, unburdened by what it has been.


I have an actual Indian friend with that name and from the same part of India as Harris’ mom. We’ve gone over this extensively. You’re closer. The a in Kam is a schwa and there are 3 syllables. The second syllable is also a schwa and is just shoved in there, so in normal speech you can miss it. Also, the last syllable is probably closer to to -lah.

Friend basically said there is no way that Harris’ mom pronounced Kamala the way most people do now.

Republicans over 60 will not be able to help themselves from tossing out endless terrible blowjob jokes, it’s going to be like the 90s all over again except society finds this misogynistic shit far less acceptable in 2024.