2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

I’ve seen people raising the mispronounced name thing a lot when people say
Instead of

I’m sure some people are doing this on purpose, while others aren’t. But I don’t think this is a great point to focus on since we want to get a lot of new voters on board, and many of them don’t know who she is or how to say her name. I could be wrong about this, though

I think it’s supposed to be pronouced “koh-kuh-nuht kween”.



The right is platforming some of her best positions


Cliffs: you attack Kamala by saying she is pro-healthcare, pro-green new deal, and anti-gun violence


She supports changing the food pyramid! GOT HER!


I mispronounce it sometimes, but because I grew up with this guy (fun fact - his real last name was Harris):


They’re going after what their polling says she’s weak on. She’s perceived as too liberal, she’s weak on the border, and the green energy stuff.

I think she’s right, but if the choice is whatever Kamala is going to do on immigration and Trump’s mass deportation she needs to seem tough on immigration. She needs to hype up her prosecutor and some generally mild conservativism. Like it’s not going to be great hearing her talk about how she likes locking up people and law and order is great, etc. but if it gets her over the finish line then that’s good enough.

I hoping that the time line is short enough that she doesn’t get pulled too much in one direction.

That’s my thoughts at least.


Dude, WTF were you expecting? I haven’t seen excitement like this since Obama 2008.

This could have gone so much worse.





My friend from india says it’s an indian name and it’s pronounced Kam-luh

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lol the replies to this are completely unhinged wishcasting


full steam ahead yall, go for it, yall cracked the code

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LOL Matt Walsh.

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In case it’s not clear, Clay Travis sports-MAGA is trying to define “dismantling women’s rights” as anything that supports trans people. I don’t think it’s sticking outside their little bubble within a bubble.


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I think i heard somewhere that the food pyramid was actually used to store dead bodies.


I heard that she’s not ever really a woman! She’s Obama’s secret husband!

Cop is worse than politician and the least bad thing about her is that she was only a cop in order to advance in politics. She’s an ambitious striver and not an ideologue. She locked people up because it was a route to power. How will she govern? Well, she’s disavowed (or lied) about some of her past now because those views are bad for her. Of course she’ll do what works politically and it will play out just like it did with Biden. He was a hard core lock them up and throw away the key dumbocrat in the 90s - just like Kamala - and (though of course it falls short) he pardoned thousands of drug offenders, ended contracts with private prisons and in other ways did a few things to ease back on the mass incarceration that he helped launch. I expect Kamala to be similar in that regard.

But, anyway, just being a devil’s advocate. For sure, there’s nothing to be excited about and passing around high-fives because you have a youngish articulate person whose idea to help poor children who missed too much school was to throw their parents in jail.

Going back into devil’s advocacy though, good people are not going to get elected to national office and having someone with no moral compass who just watches which way the wind blows at least gives popular movements a fighting chance.


Amazing that men in womens sports is such an issue that it now comes up in the short list of items in the GOP platform. Taking sports seriously is stupid period. Letting it rise to the level of being legislated at a national level? OMG.


I’m confused. Like is the official Republican line that Harris sucked and fucked her way up the chain? Like I get passing that through the whispered back channels, but to just out there saying it seems way too sexist for your average person.

A little light sucking and fucking to advance your career never hurt anyone.

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Ok, but I don’t see how that changes anything. You’re elevating form over substance. I’m guessing no one really cares about the vote for delegate (other than party insiders, etc.) - which seems backed up by how hard it was to wrangle votes. I’d bet 99% of voters only cared that they voted for Biden and didn’t give two thoughts about who the actual delegates were since you were bound to vote for Biden.
It’s not like you were voted for based on any platform other than you would vote for Biden, or that voters wanted/trusted you to exercise your discretion to help choose the next nominee.

This isn’t to denigrate delegates or to say that they should be doing anything different, but lets not pretend this is somehow a truly democratic process. As VeridianDreams put it so well, we should just be ignoring this attack, not trying to somehow claim the process is something it’s not.

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