2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

They know Biden is better for the country than Trump, but they assume that Trump is better for them. They’re just lying.


Barr is in the top 1% of intelligence among republican party members. He had first hand experience with how stupid and reckless trump behaves as president, to the point where he resigned in protest. And he still wont vote for a centrist dem. It’s wild.


They don’t care about democracy though, they just care about enacting their policy preferences and Trump will do that better. It’s a lot easier for them if they don’t have to deal with pesky elections every couple years. This is why they have enacted the bulk of their policy through SCOTUS and why they fought so hard for decades to stack the bench with ideologues who will do their bidding.


They also do not feel at all vulnerable to the damage that Trump will cause. They think that they will be able to contain the damage so that it only impacts poor and middle class people (that they absolutely do not care about at all) and that in the absolute worst outcomes of a Trump administration (totalitarian fascism, violence in the streets of America) they will be able to just go to their recreational cottages and wait it out. They have lived lives exempt from personal consequence for decades, and assume that cannot change.


You can’t have a White Nation and democracy at the same time obviously. One of them has to be cast aside.

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This is where they benefit from the magic of a sham democracy where they cheat in all the elections.

Barr is probably just trying to avoid the gulag if trump gets re-elected.

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It’s much more likely that he is just a run of the mill rich asshole that will always vote for lower taxes and deregulation, period.

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Who is more likely to lower taxes and give tax breaks to the wealthy? That person is the lowest threat to democracy.


Goddammit every time I see something like this, I read it as Bill Burr and have a heart attack. He’s one of the good ones dammit!


Wait it out, or be dead from old age.

I will definitely be doing a trip report for this. I’m so stoked!



Gonna LOL for real when the DNC adds voter ID laws to the party platform.

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He’s said some pretty nasty shit about Trump since stepping down. But Trump is purely transactional, so if he can still use Barr for something all will be forgiven

Also, he likes bigotry. Trump gives him more bigotry. He can look the other way on the other things.


This is how you do a campaign ad


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Based Moscow Mitch’s first Dem ad drops

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Is Biden going to lose the election because he banned Tik Tok?
