2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

yeah, that tweet was very early after Joe endorsed Kamala, and it kind of set off the whole GenZ/TikTok/fancam thing that we have going on now.

People were even more uptight in the old days. They wouldn’t even show Elvis from the waste down.

If they saw Elvis naked, they’d probably have a stroke.

There’s nothing funny about that. They’d probably have a stroke

She’s done some great music. I learned about her from her song for The Fault in Our Stars.


That’s going to happen even if AOC was dictator for life starting a few years ago

The worst climate models of like 1 year ago are already no longer even in best case scenario range

All that’s left is doing stuff for the memes and to produce tears from your enemies

Yes, it is true that nobody cared about Kamala (or actually hated what she’d done as prosecutor) until biden stepped down. But the context made everyone love her. Emotions are powerful.

Yes, it’s true that the process which annointed Kamala wasn’t very directly democratic. But it still this time had probably the same result as if it were


He blocked me and I was the only one directly using her name ITT


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Actually this isn’t even fair of me to say.

Some more of what’s left is things like the possibility of keeping trans people out of cages at least a while longer




Was not expecting this guy to be a Trumpist. “I’m WoRrIeD aBoUt dEmOcrAcy”. Meanwhile complete silence about the guy who still hasn’t conceded an election held 4 years ago. Frauds


I guess Durrr is not the only Trumpkin.




I’d take even odds from any of you that Voulgaris votes D for Pres this year if that were provable

First heard in 2013 in this absolute banger.


Oh well yeah I know that song.


Oh boy.

The fascists are big mad.

Pump that shit right into my veins.


Remember when Obama won the swing states and some red states by appealing to the moderates and racists

That’s why Kamala should come out against abortion, taxes, and gun control ASAP


Who are the fascists? The user you quoted?

Orange men make MAGA times :fries:
MAGA times make old men :icecream:
Old men make coconut times :coconut:
Coconut times make strong women :princess:t4:


Lolol at dramatically announcing you were leaving and not even having the self-discipline to go to bed before getting sucked back into this thread.


Disagree with this. If no Biden and ran a primary, there is no way Kamala is winning it.

All these “not democratic” arguments are trash.

The way democracy works is that a guy claims he will do something, you vote for the guy, he wins and then MAYBE he does that thing. History is chock full of examples of people not following through on campaign promises for one reason or another. Sometimes the reasons are better than others, but this happens a lot. Very often that reason is pressure from other politicians or a group of constituents.

In this case, Biden campaigned in the primary with the promise that he would be accepting the nomination. Something came up and he decided not to follow through. He will not accept the nomination and they can’t very well force him to just like no one can really force any elected person to do anything they claimed they would do. These things happen and we have a process for when it does. That was followed, so here we are. Sometimes that is how democracy works.


While this whole conversation about the nominating process is in bad faith on the republican side, the process is still clearly democratic. Party members voted for delegates in the primaries (like Skydiver), and those delegates still have to vote for the nominee. Moreover, the delegates look like they will be voting for the candidate who the majority of the party members want.

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