2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Like Nate, I question the integrity of the avowed Biden dead-enders.

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These things arenā€™t independent. The party picked her, therefore no one is going to stick their neck out.

Everyone jumped on the bandwagon because sheā€™s acceptably establishment, isnā€™t 82 years old, and still has Trump as an opponent. In fact, that was one of the primary reasons for the party to pick her - that she was an easy transition from Biden who would pick up a little momentum

Donā€™t count on it





You would think someone with the username of Genocide Joe would be fucking ecstatic Joe Biden dropped out of the raceā€¦or maybe just maybe it was a troll all along


ā€œThis is the most important election ever because we need to defeat fascism. Therefore, we must embrace fascism.ā€

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What did she say? Sheā€™s like the cool Taylor Swift.

These are my genuine takes that Iā€™ve posted in good faith. the fact that my opinions rankle you doesnā€™t make it trolling.

What is there to be excited about, IYO? Iā€™m not being sarcastic. I see an unwinnable race where the ā€œspoilsā€ will be a figurehead thatā€™s a literal scumbag cop gone politician, one of the only things somehow worse than a cop, and a party that willingly and knowlingly put us into this situation while lying out of two sides of their mouth the whole time, and a bunch of people celebrating this same candidate that has nearly no hope of winning and the alternative is almost certainly horrifying to a degree we havenā€™t imagined yet.

yea, woohoo. so stoked

In my fake opinion what makes Trump a badass is the lying and being a gigantic asshole but most importantly is that he gets away with it and always wins. People wish they could live like Trump and treat people the way he does.

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Canā€™t find the screenshot now. But I think she said something like :open_hands: :open_hands: :open_hands: :open_hands: :open_hands: over a picture of Kamala on her stories (not sure which app). Maybe someone with a teenager can translate.

Also Iā€™m told Charlie XCX is the new hotness. So we should work on getting her endorsement.

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Itā€™s early, but the numbers suggest that, so far, she seems likely to do much better among minorities and the youth than Biden did.

I mean, Iā€™ve not seen such numbers yet but am eager to see them. And of course historical numbers matter for a candidate that bombed spectacularly out of the primary and failed to capture the ā€œminorityā€ vote she lost to the oldest whitest dude in fucking history, and this is supposed to make a difference now because something something black people donā€™t know better than to vote against their own interests. now sheā€™s gonna conjure up a winning campaign in like, 100 days. ok, yea, sure, Iā€™m real sold. everyone can smell a pig.

Iā€™ll book any amount of money on trump wafflecrushing her in november. My dmā€™s are open to reasonable terms.

wait, are you trolling right now? Have you not seen any of the memes all over this thread and the rest of the internet?



Probably not in this election cycle but 5-20 years from now look absolutely bleak for everyone thatā€™s not ā€fuck youā€ rich, and thatā€™s like 99% of this forum



I just learned of Charlie XCX 30 minutes ago. I also did see the brat thing at that time. I did not realize she herself ascribed it. My work here is done.


Taylor Swift will endorse. Sheā€™s waiting until she can also announce her engagement to Kelce, for maximum impact. I have the inside scoop on all things Kansas City.


Maybe the Rock will even get off the fence now.

The DNC will probably try to get Olivia Rodrigo to rewrite Drivers License as an ode to the motor voter law. Itā€™ll be bigger than Fight Song, yā€™all.


Kamala Dwayne ticket. One time