2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

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Al Jazeera, thank you

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This is the first good evidence I’ve seen he should stay in the race.


it’s so sick that here in 2024 we are somehow total underdogs to a post-J6 third-timer Trump. My hopes are basically down to: Pelosi might be the one bamf whose legacy prioritizes winning this election this year and who doesn’t gaf about anything except numbers and who’s not so risk-allergic to understand that we are absolutely on the ropes and there is zero path from here to beating trump that doesn’t involve really rolling the dice somehow.

Let’s go Nancy, god knows you’ve killed half the quixotic shit I’ve wanted for the last two decades now go light some candles and take a bath and figure out which of your bench will actually get these low-propensity voters and complete weirdo swing people excited to get off the futon and put trump fifty feet deep in the cold ground


Should have posted a photo with him and Epstein.



Her motivation is entirely about the donors

She dgaf about legacy or winning, except to whatever extent it keeps the spigot of cash and insider info flowing

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What’s some examples

Excellent, need more of these pronto

I initially read J6 here as a poker hand, but I do think Biden would be an underdog to that

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He called me with jack high!


You don’t know Jack

That’s a hell of a proviso there!

I have got a weird feeling that Biden is going to emerge from this “COVID isolation” looking suspiciously less wrinkled and way more weird

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It was a joke, but that you responded to it seriosuly really shows how ridiculous it is that he still hasn’t dropped out. How did we end up here? :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

bernie, progressivism, scott wiener. To her credit she was principled about AIDS in the 80s when that was a political loser and about abortion and trans rights even though she’s catholic and the SF archbishop now bars her from communion. I’ve never liked Pelosi personally but as my enemy’s enemy she’s my kind of friend, e.g. Senor Keed could be a pita packers fan but when he was trolling all of boston over deflategate I was eating it up with a spoon. If Pelosi helps put biden out to pasture and if she at least makes people pause before auto coronating kamala then for the time being I don’t care why she’s doing it because that’s how important I think beating trump is


First elected in 1987 by voters in San Francisco. You sure that was a political loser?

She’s likable imo and about as good as it gets for a leader of the corporate donor favored branch of the Dems. She voted against the Iraq aomf anyway.


