2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Five minutes later: Biden publicly announces everyone can go fuck themselves and they can pry the candidacy from his cold dead hands.

I’ll believe it when it actually happens. Sick of falling for this shit.


I am so skeptical at this point that I would anticipate that any Biden resignation is followed by the confirmation of Hillary as the nominee within 24 hours.


It seems like people are just so happy to get rid of Biden that they have forgotten that Kamala has been a gaffe machine since she has been in the public consciousness. That’s why I want someone other than her. I think Mayo Pete would be best simply because he regularly goes on Fox and owns the clowns on the right.


I don’t think Kamala is the best option if you’re starting from scratch but I think she’s the best option if you’re picking from this point in time.


Jon Favreau of PSA said in 2022 he was at an event and backstage Biden was sharp, for instance recalling Favreau’s MIL’s name (she was also there.). Then the week of the SOTU Biden had another debate like performance. But because Biden crushed the SOTU, Favreau wrote off the earlier performance as a fluke. He was at the Clooney fundraiser which was a week before the debate and he said everybody that left that whether they were political operatives or not were scared because the performance was so bad. Then the debate.

How about Derek as Harris’ running mate?

I don’t see how they push Harris aside, although I think some type of competition, maybe at the convention, will gain a bunch more coverage and may result in a more exciting candidate moving forward.



When I exited PI 3 years ago I put one dollar on “no” on kamala when it was “overpriced” at like 35%.


Kamala should do a Hail Mary and pick a celebrity VP - The Rock, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Mr. Beast…


Maybe pickle ball. I hear that’s popular


Or a disaffected Republican like Liz Cheney.

In 2008, John McCain in his heart-of-hearts wanted Joe Lieberman (Al Gore’s running mate in 2000) to be his running mate, but his advisers talked him out of it. (source: McCain’s autobiography)

The true savior


I gotta say there is a small part of me that wants Biden to stay in this to the end just so I can lol when he pressures Harris not to certify the election results.


As I guy who loves to be able to say “I told you so”, I think it would be an epic “I told you so” to stay in the race and win.


The PSA guys sort of mentioned this. The idea is that it can be effectively Kamala’s job to lose, but just anointing her without any sort of competition or vetting will leave her a weaker candidate. On one hand I think that’s mostly shit as the types of people who would be engaged in a primary/convention battle are fully in the tank for the dems and will come home in November as the threat of another Trump term looms large.

But maybe there’s something to be said about it better energizing the types of people who will be performing voter outreach to the swing voters we need that won’t give two fucks about the nominating process. I’m not enough of an insider to know if this is real or not. I could actually see it going the other way where people go into the convention thinking Pete or Gretch have a shot, only for it to feel like another DNC inside job handing to Kamala, and those people are now more disenfranchised than if there had never been any sort of open debate.

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I think the eDem options are smart enough to get together and present a unified front on a replacement heading into the convention.

The only strong left flank options are in Biden’s age bracket (Warren and Sanders) so if Biden is stepping down due to age, it’s tough for them to rally a grassroots campaign to make a case.

I think there will be some grumbling and grousing from people about Kamala essentially being appointed (and it’s totally fair to do so) but I think that will be drowned out by the rejuvenated excitement from having a new candidate on the top of the ballot.


I just want to lose with dignity. Is that too much to ask?


In all seriousness I actually think Kamala sucks as a candidate (and probably as a person).

I think there are four separate questions people are answering with their arguments:

  • who is most likely to beat Trump?
  • who would be the best president?
  • which result would be best for the country in the long run?
  • who deserves it the most?

I think Kamala might be the answer to only the fourth question, which is absolutely the least important question for anyone except the stoogiest eDem fans. I can at least see an argument that she’s an answer to the first question just due to her position, maybe fundraising, maybe energizing centrists, idk (obviously, importantly, offset by our country’s racism and sexism) I just happen to think that argument is wrong.

The third question is the most interesting one, and maybe the most important one given the likelihood that whoever gets nommed is going to lose to Trump, but idk if anyone is actually trying to answer that question.


I think theres also a question of who can feasibly be agreed upon and pass all the legal hoops in this short period of time. That seems to be where she excels