2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Is there any chance the delegate leaders are downplaying the existential threat of a second Trump term? Maybe just a little?

I ama Biden supporter. I voted for him in the prinary and in 2020. I believe he should have ran in 2016 and likely would have prevented this current situation.

Did he not because it was his decision, or was he told by the party not to run then?

Regardless of all of the above, I also have eyes and ears. I am much more of an E-dem than the majority of this board and have always supported the democrat once the choice is binary. I also think leaving him at the top of the ticket is a huge mistake after the last couple of months and don’t believe “Joe Biden is the decider” is any type of platform to run on. The voters are the deciders. If something happens after the primaries (in our ridiculous fucking yesr long cycle) we as voters should have the ability to make a change. Thats not a lefty/non e-dem idea, its fucking common sense.

If news came out tomorrow that Biden was distributing child porn, would we have to throw up our hands and say “Welp, Joe is the decider. Guess we are fucked.”


The Canadian primary?



If Joe’s running because God told him to, then God can vote for him.

“The issue is resolved in Ohio, and Democratic activists should stop trying to scapegoat Ohio for their party dysfunction,” said Ben Kindel, a spokesperson for Ohio’s Secretary of State Frank LaRose.


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“We can’t do the thing that leads to the good result because BLAH FUCKING BLAH.”

Republicans have like 40% support for their policies MAX and they enact them somehow! Go read the LBJ books by Caro or something.


Right, it’s no mystery how to win elections. You offer the electorate things they want and deliver those things. The problem is you can’t deliver any of those things when you’re completely captured by dead-eyed corporate cockroaches, and that’s never going to change during any of our lifetimes.


Just reading about Harrison, dude spent $130 million on his campaign against Graham that he lost by more than 10 points. He spent $118 per vote that he received! This doesn’t even count spending by outside groups. Imagine if you just directly bought votes with this money. If you wanted to swing the election 10 points, you would have $1,000 per vote at your disposal.

You can see why he’s DNC chair now. The mission of the Democrats is to raise and disperse vast amounts of cash using political theatre which is as much as possible decoupled from actually getting votes or winning elections. This guy is the Messi of that, absolute master.


Okay, but you realize that’s a pretty weak argument, right?

The answer to that question should be “Hell yeah, he’s got the best ideas” or even “I don’t think his ideas are #1, but he’s got the best shot at beating Trump and that’s what’s most important”. Instead, it’s “Welp, he’s the guy in the seat now. Nothing we can do.” (Which BTW, in addition to being uninspiring as hell, is a big part of the problem with the Democratic Party in general. Old people getting power hungry and staying past their expiration date.)

I have no interest in yelling at you, but I think your frustration is misguided.

I feel like if I were in your place, I would be beyond pissed at Biden and the people around him. This convention is supposed to be a fun and exciting celebration of the work you have done for years. And instead it’s going to be a shitshow.


There are still so many Clinton era ghouls in positions of power in the party. Their only real job is to keep their job. Which necessarily means ruthlessly shitting on anyone actually trying to make the world a better place. Notice how they are legitimately 10x madder about any dissent within the party than they are at republicans (as measured by their actions).


I respect what you do and your point of view on this and I know you’ve done more than I have or ever will to try to change the system so I hope this doesn’t come across as a personal attack on you. But, this post is basically the Peggy Noonan “Mitt Romney is going to win because of all these yard signs I see” article from 2012. There might be good arguments to keeping Joe in the game but this ain’t it.


The idea that only Biden gets to decide if he runs is exactly why the DNC is an utterly worthless organization with no real purpose.

It doesn’t come off as Alex Jones stuff, it comes off like the grizzled old director of scouting telling the nerdy analytics kid to stfu about OPS because he never played the game and doesn’t appreciate the real value of a five-tool player with great speed.


Everything she’s ever told us at this website that she’s done is stop her coworkers who are trying to change the system. To the point that her coworkers call her racist.

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Busted out laughing at this.


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She’s whined about it more than once in her intermittent “day in the life of a party careerist” posts

She says they pull the race card on her. That’s how she phrases it whenever she has to smack down a progressive coworker