2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Some of the criticism towards you has been harsh but this seems like an extreme retaliation


Letā€™s check in with the actual party base (I think not having cable and basically never watching TV has led me to be much less doomer than yā€™all, not sure)


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Iā€™m generally sympathetic to your situation, but to be fair it didnā€™t really take decades for Trump to turn the (shitty) Republican party into the American Nazi party.

Disagree. Biden can absolutely still be replaced. This is just another version of ā€œwe canā€™t do anything because reasonsā€. Itā€™s bullshit.

If more elected democrats had a modicum of courage and spoke out publicly for Biden to drop out, the pressure would mount and he would drop out. Instead, we get shoulder shrugs and off-the-record-im-very-concerned and welp-whaddayagonnado because the party is filled with people who are too scared and selfish.


There must have been a 10% off coupon at Four Seasons Total Lawn Care on that chair he was reaching for.

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Biden: I know what a black job is, VP and for sure goddamn not Prez.

Have you considered actual polling instead of a line at NCAAP because I think I posted or someone else did showing that majority of black voters want someone else.


Only 33% of the base is satisfied with Biden as the nominee!!!



um, that tells me you didnā€™t watch. skip to the end, yo.

Dunno if posted it here but here it is



While I appreciate the inside scoop of what is going on, it really isnt the best look to take the ā€œwe cant replace Biden because of secret behind the scenes stuff that the majority of the electorate will never see.ā€

Like, come on. Donā€™t prove Alex Jonesā€™ shadowy cabal theory correct.

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Yea I know, she can be prez, just not right now I gotta lose first giving it my all


So whereā€™s the follow-up question?

Why donā€™t they ever ask (or report) ā€œIf he doesnā€™t step aside, will you vote for him?ā€

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Why would that matter if the answer to that question totals to less than what is needed to win?

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I literally posted screenshots of our delegate guide!

Iā€™ve been very clear over and over as to the why. Shall I post it again? Fine. Here you go. This is from an email to a local group.

First of all, I understand the frustration and fear being expressed here. Biden and Trump are both old men, but we knew that coming in, didnā€™t we? That being said, some points:

  1. The ONLY person who decides if heā€™s running or not is Joe Biden. He is the incumbent, and one of our most effective presidents in recent memory, and he has that privilege.

  2. On the very slim chance that Biden decides to step aside, there is only one person who will take his place, and that is Vice President Kamala Harris. Not only would skipping over the sitting vice president and a black woman be a death knell for our party, campaign finance laws dictate that she is the only person who could utilize the entire Biden/Harris campaign warchest. Anyone else would be starting from zero, and the Biden Harris campaign could only legally give them $2000, the rest would have to follow a nightmare train of donations to PACs and the party. All of the field offices and staff hired by the Biden Harris campaign would have to be closed/fired and then reopened by some other campaign, which would automatically not have the funds to do so right away.

  3. Besides the 700 superdelegates, every other delegate from every single state is pledged to Joe Biden. That means we will vote for Joe Biden, or we will vote for who he tells us to vote for. This dream of a brokered convention with all of us becoming unpledged delegates and voting for whomever in some kind of free-for-all is not only highly unrealistic, it is highly undemocratic. It is the exact kind of backroom-deal-making politics that got the superdelegate rules changed in the first place.

  4. This media frenzy conveniently turns our eyes away from the real horrors that have happened in the week since the debate, and I am frankly shocked and disturbed that the SCOTUS immunity decision, Project 2025, and Trumpā€™s name appearing all over Jeffery Epsteinā€™s flight logs have been relegated to page 14 news because of this. I am also suspicious of the reasons behind this, and you should be, as well.

  5. The right wing takeover of our judiciary started over 40 years ago with The Heritage Foundation laying out a plan that leads directly to Project 2025. They began by taking over LOCAL judiciaries, boards, and town councils. We cannot be shortsighted and if we want to take our country back and save democracy, not only do we need to defeat Trump, but we need to get good people back in our local elected offices.

Biden should absolutely step aside. but we also absolutely cant force him out any other way and seriously think the dems would win this election.


If biden were to be assassinated, dems win. People would vote for stability


Not sure I really agree with this, how did local judiciaries get us to our surpreme court and or allow trump to appoint tons of wacko judges?

My understanding is they just made sure they appoint wacko judges when they can and pump tons of money into wacko heritage lawyers, I guess you could argue that if they donā€™t become judges at low level then they canā€™t move up but not sure you can really keep wacko judges to such a low level as to accomplish this

It just seems to me like fatalism and lack of patience is an appropriate response to a party who canā€™t even organize themselves to not nominate a senile guy for President. Itā€™s a dysfunctional organization.

We have just seen how the MAGA movement took over the GOP and they did it as an insurgent political movement within the party led from the top. Are you sure youā€™re not the one with an unrealistic theory of change? The Heritage Foundation is not an appropriate comparison here, the judiciary works totally differently, and as wirelessgrinder points out above, that is not even how the US ended up with a stacked Supreme Court.

The Democrats as a party exhibit an utter inability to adapt in response to changing circumstances or to ever act boldly on anything; this is the fault of party leadership, insofar as any leadership exists. This is, to be sure, an incredibly difficult problem to solve, but it might start with accurately naming it. Youā€™re claiming that the forum has done a 180 on the DNC, but it seems to me that this donā€™t-rock-the-boat inertia and slavish adherence to norms has been the complaint all along? The Biden nomination is just the latest iteration of this. No sorry itā€™s actually impossible for us to act decisively because something something Ohio.


You have to change from deep inside. I want the same changes you want

Thatā€™s why I, deep inside, resist change. Itā€™s my top priority


Lol right. Support the powerful people stifling change while criticizing those that want change because theyā€™re failing to magically create change