2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Plus it will allow him to get out of jail for the day.

Trump himself has likely not seen these rules (yet) and there’s still plenty of time for him to back out.

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When will Trump back out of the June 27 debate?
  • More than one week before
  • 5-7 days before
  • 3-4 days before
  • 1-2 days before
  • Day of the debate
0 voters

He probably should back out simply because he’s in the lead and every day where nothing changes is another win for him, but I doubt he will because of his ego and he thinks Biden has full blown dementia. That said I don’t think a debate in June really matters for anything barring a cataclysmic meltdown by one of them and it will be long forgotten by the time voting starts.

Jesus I did not realize the Atlanta debate is in nine days.

I’m worried that Biden will be underprepared because he will have been no-lifing Shadow of the Erdtree during the week leading up to the debate


In nine days Sleepy Joe will still be trying to find Mohg, smh.


If this debate happens and Biden is good, or even adequate, he should provoke Trump into backing out of the others.

Hell I’d be mildly surprised if Trump doesn’t back out of this one.

Haven’t presidential debates always been without pre-written notes? And Biden was just fine last time. Not sure how this is “advantage Trump”.

I’m also not convinced the microphone thing is a Biden advantage. Trump interrupting with lies, outbursts, and blabbering hurts him. He might come across as respectful for not interrupting Biden, whereas Biden gets no points for not interrupting. Nor can Biden interrupt when Trump is rambling on lying incessantly, and I doubt the moderators will check him often enough.

I probably shouldn’t be analyzing stuff written by Cillizza for clicks.

I don’t see how the no notes thing benefits Trump either. He’s completely clueless on policy and is just making up stuff on the fly, so yeah, notes don’t matter. Except there have been instances of Trump literally holding on to handwritten notes telling him to say this or that. I don’t recall those instances with Biden.

During the last debates, Trump getting his mic cut looked horrible for him. He came across like a petulant child.

The first debate is usually bad for the incumbent because they’re actually running the country and have had 4 years of adulation coming into it.

That said, who fucking knows with Trump. He’s absolutely high on his own supply and thinks Joe is a demented corpse. Also he has deteriorated massively since 2020 and is of course delusional. Also he will be ranting about insane stuff incomprehensible to people outside the Newsmax circuit.

That said it won’t matter at all, it’s just too far out from Election Day. But anything that gets Trump visibility to normies is a good thing.

I wish they would cancel all debates, they are stupid and don’t serve any useful purpose as far as determining who would make a good President is concerned.

Putting Trump in front of normies instead of at his rallies without the media to filter away his stupidity is really important.

In a normal-ass society with functional adults I think the debates are important. As it is, idk I think maybe it’s not worth the risk of Biden having a brain fart and confirming all the rightwing “Biden has dementia” nonsense.

I don’t know if that happens now, though. The debates get filtered through your media of choice regardless. I there is just as much downside for Biden on that front, too, but maybe for different reasons since he just looks feeble. If we were in a different situation, like the Dem candidate did not have one foot in the grave, then I might agree. Generally speaking, though, I still think debates suck.

We’ll see how it actually is implemented, but I don’t see this as a situation where he’s going to be talking, and then will be interrupted or his mic will simply be cut off, which I agree looks bad for Trump. I interpret it as his mic will be turned off when Biden is speaking, and therefore he won’t have the opportunity to interrupt and have his mic cut, and that’s why I don’t think the rule disadvantages him.

Although I suppose you could have a situation where he just keeps rambling on a response and the mods say his time is up and cut his mic and turn to Biden. But I think they will feel pressure to not do that.

I think the biggest risk with the mics is a situation where Biden stops talking b/c Trump is ranting and audible to Biden, but the rant is not picked up well on the mic so it just looks like Biden is constantly freezing up/losing his train of thought/responding to something other than the question.


Regardless of cause, o/u 3 “senior moments” for Joe?

Can’t wait to see Joe stumble over words while Trump babbles incoherently.