2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Right, exactly, plus it’s easy to incorporate humor!

The weird tactic is working great, but it does feel like something that could get stale if overplayed.

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I know it is. Democrats should not talk about it. Lots of Democrats are unsympathetic to that.They should just talk about abortion.

It’s going to morph into calling someone’s looks “weird” or just how they carry themselves “weird,” rather than the intended, “What in the fuck are you talking about? The things you are proposing are fucking insane, you fucking weirdo.”

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I think they need to mix it up. I liked AOC’s tweet because at least it used varied language, even if it all means the same thing.

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I just want to say I was on the weirdo train early (just a sampling):

April 2022

September 2023

October 2023

January 2024

I should be running the Harris campaign imo


They’re just jealous of your Pro-Keds from Payless!

Yeah that’s it, mom.




We are having so much winning that we’re getting bored with winning!

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Rubio lost every argument as a kid. How did he become a politician?




If that’s all we have to go on, it seems to make Shapiro a stronger contender for running mate

I wouldn’t say all; we got a Harris +4 in PA earlier today also (Susquehanna). But yeah, for whatever else may spook me about Shapiro, his popularity in PA is tough to argue with.


Grunching but again. This is a spectrum.

It’s not elections vs no elections. I mean. They have elections in Venezuela and Sudan

It’s about how flawed those elections are.

I would also add that the US is VERY far down the flawed election route. You have multiple areas where one party rewrites rules to ensure it wins, and you’ve had multiple elections where the obvious cheating has decided the national outcome.

So no, Trump is not going to mean no elections. He’s going to take you folks from very flawed elections to very very flawed.


Or rather than say these ideas lead to the rise of nazis in Germany in the 30s, say they lead to the fall of Germany in the 40s. They didn’t work then and the only thing they’ll work for now is embarrassing us in front of the world when they fail again.

thomas friedman has been wrong 99.9% of the time in his columns and has zero regrets, I think we’ll be OK

who the fuck asked this shitbag anyway?


In addition to all this in 2 out of the last 6 elections the person that received the most votes didn’t win.

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