2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

yeah this, I think people are way too simplistic in assuming that things stay basically the same over four or eight years AND that primaries within the party are somehow predictive about what will happen in a general “hurr durr bernie can’t win CA in the primary therefore he can’t win it in the general” shut the fuck up


+A million. That’s exactly where all the Biden poll unskewing nonsense came from.

In fairness, Truss would know.



Would love to see these reporters do an explainer on Beetlejuice memes


Uh, maybe not where you’re from, but in CA, we were definitely voted for in an election. An election, mind you, that we had to both convince people to register for separately, then remind them to cast their vote.

Here: All That Jazz - Skydiver8's Democratic National Convention adventure! - #4 by skydiver8


The laughing part is an actual issue and too easy to denigrate, as a slogan.

He believes in democracy. Would it not be hypocritical to vote for an illegitimate candidate?

Lol, 12 minutes of absolutely nothing. Its reslly quite incredible. Like they never even thought for a second that this was a possibility.

This is the best part. We are four days in and they have no cohesive and coherent attack message.

They will come up with something but might it be a day late and a dollar short?

Wouldn’t the strongest constraint be Biden’s delay? I could see any number of perhaps stronger candidates raise if we weren’t having to pick a candidate within a few weeks without infrastructure to do so. I know you said ‘elite distaste for chaos’ but chaos itself doesn’t seem good if there’s not a very clear cut way to get to a resolution and an open convention that hasn’t been done in a long time seems like a very risky way to do it.

I would hope that this would be a learning lesson to strengthen the infrastructure to be able to take on the contingencies so that if something happens the powers that be can be like ‘don’t worry, here’s the plan B to get to a resolution’.

We may think that the racism has been mask-off since Trump called Mexicans rapists, but I suspect we ain’t seen nothing yet.

It does seem like them unequivocally losing this early battle to frame her candidacy negatively is a pretty big deal. She’s basically getting a golden opportunity to refresh her public image in a significant way and they’re spending the whole cycle flailing.

There’s still a long way to go and the tides can turn quick. Just ask Howard Dean.

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Speaking of which, this cracked me up


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You ask. He scares me too much

I thought this was a republic?

Anyway, I was searching through your posts for when you denounced the undemocratic process that went down on January 6th 2020, but it’s oddly missing! You dumb fucking hypocrite.

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I’ve seen people raising the mispronounced name thing a lot when people say
Instead of

I’m sure some people are doing this on purpose, while others aren’t. But I don’t think this is a great point to focus on since we want to get a lot of new voters on board, and many of them don’t know who she is or how to say her name. I could be wrong about this, though

I think it’s supposed to be pronouced “koh-kuh-nuht kween”.