2024 US Presidential Election: Final Fortnight

Yeah, I know, but my daughter turns 18 next week and wants to vote with us in person for her first time. I guess we can always go early.

Five people in the sub line would take way longer than five people in the voting line.

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Edited for extended version.



I like act of voting in person. I also live in a small rural town near the precinct so I can leave, vote, and get home in between the 1st and 2nd quarter of an NBA game.

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I live in Los Angeles County and I’ve never waited more than 5 minutes to vote. Amazing what can be done when you actually want people to vote.

I know I heard somewhere that Republicans are actually encouraging their base to vote early and mail in votes this year. Whereas in 2020 it was mail in votes are all totally rigged and they should never do it.

That could explain some of the disparity with 2020. Also 2020 was so weird with covid that who the hell knows.

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You don’t vote by mail?




(I checked and it looks like EV numbers are up a bit in TN from 2020 but not substantially.)

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No. I know I’ll fuck something up. I’ll put the wrong envelope in the wrong thing or sign in the wrong place. Probably not the first time when I’m paying attention, but like the 3rd or 4th when I think I know what I’m doing.

It’s exactly the same with my Zepbound, which has this dumb grey cap on the bottom that you have to remember to take off before injecting. I KNEW I was going to fuck it up once. Sure enough, about the 7th time, I hit the button and don’t feel anything. $280 down the drain. Make the cap orange like the things on printer ink!

Way less thought to just walk in and look at the machine. If I ever had to wait in line to vote, I might be encouraged to vote by mail.

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This seems good?

I double-checked the numbers and it’s kinda good, up a little but nothing major.

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It’s strange to me that dems tend to fully stress cases about every data blip while republicans seem to just blow shit off and lie and push forward. No apparent concern.

If the GOP loses this election their party is facing an existential crisis and would face serious viability issues. Thomas and Alito gonna retire and the SCt will be undone. If I were a Republican I would be freaking the fuck out.

They’re not gonna retire while there’s a Dem president or Senate.


In the meeting, Trump maintained a dignified posture and expressed sympathy to Guillén’s mother. “I saw what happened to your daughter Vanessa, who was a spectacular person, and respected and loved by everybody, including in the military,” Trump said. Later in the conversation, he made a promise: “If I can help you out with the funeral, I’ll help—I’ll help you with that,” he said. “I’ll help you out. Financially, I’ll help you.”

In an Oval Office meeting on December 4, 2020, officials gathered to discuss a separate national-security issue. Toward the end of the discussion, Trump asked for an update on the McCarthy investigation. Christopher Miller, the acting secretary of defense (Trump had fired his predecessor, Mark Esper, three weeks earlier, writing in a tweet, “Mark Esper has been terminated”), was in attendance, along with Miller’s chief of staff, Kash Patel. At a certain point, according to two people present at the meeting, Trump asked, “Did they bill us for the funeral? What did it cost?”

According to attendees, and to contemporaneous notes of the meeting taken by a participant, an aide answered: Yes, we received a bill; the funeral cost $60,000.

Trump became angry. “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican!” He turned to his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and issued an order: “Don’t pay it!”

As his presidency drew to a close, and in the years since, he has become more and more interested in the advantages of dictatorship, and the absolute control over the military that he believes it would deliver. “I need the kind of generals that Hitler had,” Trump said in a private conversation in the White House, according to two people who heard him say this. “People who were totally loyal to him, that follow orders.”

In their book, The Divider: Trump in the White House, Peter Baker and Susan Glasser reported that Trump asked John Kelly, his chief of staff at the time, “Why can’t you be like the German generals?” Trump, at various points, had grown frustrated with military officials he deemed disloyal and disobedient. (Throughout the course of his presidency, Trump referred to flag officers as “my generals.”) According to Baker and Glasser, Kelly explained to Trump that German generals “tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off.” This correction did not move Trump to reconsider his view: “No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him,” the president responded.

This week, I asked Kelly about their exchange. He told me that when Trump raised the subject of “German generals,” Kelly responded by asking, “‘Do you mean Bismarck’s generals?’” He went on: “I mean, I knew he didn’t know who Bismarck was, or about the Franco-Prussian War. I said, ‘Do you mean the kaiser’s generals? Surely you can’t mean Hitler’s generals? And he said, ‘Yeah, yeah, Hitler’s generals.’ I explained to him that Rommel had to commit suicide after taking part in a plot against Hitler.” Kelly told me Trump was not acquainted with Rommel.

Yea I’m going to say that if Trump gets elected the next four years are going to suck and anyone who’s pulling the ol’ ‘guys it won’t be so bad’ that was said with Trump and Hilary are delusional


Well, Thomas been living well, so he may involuntarily “retire”.

It was obvious to me, as I believe counting ballots and saying the results pre-election day is not legal in any state in aware of (maybe a federal law?)

They’re old enough to die suddenly.

LOL fuck you John Kelly, respect to your troll game though