2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)




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Burchett is a DFH Congressman (dumb fucking hick)


Yeah most of these attacks on Harris arenā€™t going to land. Her laughing too much or being childless or whatever is weak sauce. If anything those will backfire.

The DEI angleā€¦ yeah, that could work. That one worries me. Racism usually works and if the focus of the campaign is identity stuff like it was in 2016, that would be a problem imo.

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I think it lands with the people who were already definitely voting for Trump. Hopefully it turns off the people Harris needs on her team. ā€œThe Republican Party believes that the only way women and people of color can succeed is through preferential treatment. They think you belong doing ā€œwomenā€™s workā€ or in ā€œblack jobsā€ā€.

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ā€œbut the joke workedā€ worked for whom exactly? anyone that kind of shit works for isnā€™t voting dem.

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It worked to the tune of Obama crushing?


David Jeffrey Frum is a Canadian-American political commentator and a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush. He is currently a senior editor at The Atlantic as well as an MSNBC contributor.

Can we send this guy back to Canada?

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Disagree. There are plenty of people who are various degrees of racist and also sometimes vote for democrats. In my experience, the DEI line in particular works because white people have real life experience seeing minorities getting jobs at work or getting into colleges or whatever through DEI policies. Itā€™s also a convenient and easy scapegoat for them to use to explain their own lack of success.

We need a lot of these somewhat-racist white voters to win. This was an oft-debated topic in 2016, with many liberals going with ā€œfuck em, if theyā€™re racist then we donā€™t need themā€. Turns out we kinda do.

If we get into this same argument again, weā€™re going to lose.

lol like 90% of white guy middle managers are totally convinced the only thing standing between them and millions is DEI



It similar to how 90% of conservative parents believe the only thing standing between their daughter and sports stardom is trans women.


Agree with this.

And this.

Which is one of the reason why I think Kamala will lose. She will keep it interesting, though.

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Itā€™s not just conservative parents who have that take. There are plenty who are otherwise liberal except for certain things. For many, this is one of those certain things.


My bad

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Because thatā€™s the main reason people take issue with it, lol.

If the election is about identity/race, democrats lose
If the election is about abortion/healthcare/policy, democrats win

This is an oversimplification, but itā€™s been pretty much true for the last several cycles.


This is bizarre. CNN covering audio of Biden dialing into a staff meeting in Wilmington

ah yes david frum is just giving helpful advice to democrats, sure thing, who gives a fuck that heā€™s mad about this