2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

Holy shit if TFG drops out too.


Every day, and twice on sunday



Hard to classify Joe stepping aside and endorsing Kamala an insurrection by any definition. Actually, may have worked it out:

It’s only a coup if it comes from the coup d’etat region of France. Otherwise, it’s just sparkling caucus.


Damn no match. Charles Nelson Riley is gonna be so mad at me

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I think Kamala should go on the offensive against Trump’s age and mental acuity. Just make fun of him all the time. Go after what your enemy thinks is (was?) his strong point. I think Sun Tzo said this, or maybe General Tso. If anyone accuses her of being a hypocrite, she should just laugh and move on.

If fact if Biden’s mental fitness is ever brought up, by a reporter or by Trump in a debate (LOL he won’t debate her), just have a stock answer ready. “Joe Biden is ten times the man you are. Mentally, morally, and physically. He has served his country with distinction for 50 years and was a loyal family man. You cheated on every wife you ever had, and keep losing court cases to porn stars and other people you assaulted and stole from. You’re a senile old man and a convicted felon.”

Just repeat this with variations 100 times. The “physically” part may not even be true, who cares, just keep making fun of Trump.

Stop worrying about hypocrisy. If anyone asks “was Biden senile?” Just say “nope, like I said, he is 100 times sharper than Trump. Why are you asking about Biden? He’s not running” and move on to calling Trump a bitch.



I know, I really need to get into the habit of saying “water district” instead but it’s such a commonly used name for the seats that it’s hard to get out of the habit LOL


data-based Podhorzer piece about dems’ choice between running against Trump or on their vision

Election 2024: The Path Forward


Checking in on Republicans courting the single female vote…




The same thing happened to me a few hours ago. Maybe a UP glitch?

Carefully crafted statement from Fetterman

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Is Fetterman actually popular in PA at this point? If so, I suppose it is quasi-important that he get over being big mad so that he can be a credible figure at her campaign events there.

There it is. Since she’s obviously the real power here, I wonder who she favors for VP…


Is she miserable or laughing too much? I can’t tell.

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We have seen this before, he’s just message testing in real time till he lands on something that resonates. Then he’ll keep mashing that button. Doesn’t matter what he has said in the past to the people he’s crafting the message for.


Have to think that even the morons won’t resonate much with “she laughs too much”, but probably have something with “she’s a childfree demon”. Although it’s not gonna convince anyone who isn’t already firmly in their camp.