2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)


Trumpers love the KGB now.

i had 3 youtube videos running this morning while getting ready, all 3 had Harris actblue adsā€¦ that ad buy must have been sent right inā€¦

I know a young guy, anti Trump R. This morning he asks me if I think itā€™s Kamala or if ā€˜theyā€™ will reach out and put RFK in.

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I meanā€¦one would hope that people on the Dem side would have made initial preparations for this, so Iā€™m glad their eye was on the ball as I would expect it to be. Thereā€™s been weeks of this at least being a non-negligible possibility, so a failure to prepare for this would be political malpractice.

On the flip side, itā€™s honestly a little wild to see just how bad the GOP has bungled the response given all the time to prepare for it. For everything terribly wrong with them, they tend to be highly competent at getting coherent talking points together and quickly falling in line with them. 24 hours of button-mashing has been highly entertaining, but objectively the failure is remarkable. So far the closest thing to a unified message seems to be that itā€™s unfair that they have to beat a stronger opponent now after Biden repeatedly pinky-swore that he would never leave the race. If Kamala loses - and Iā€™m under no illusion that every news cycle for her will magically be positive for 3.5 straight months - THAT initial GOP message certainly wonā€™t be why.

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Learn from the deplorables. Embrace the oppo phrase and make it your own, aka Dark Brandon.

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Read the room

LOL weird. I mustā€™ve cut out the text I wrote on accident. It was something like this:

Basically, this is the opposition research from the Libertarian Right on Facebook. Trad Right still seems to be stuck on this being a coup.

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This subject is quite a derail for here. Iā€™d be happy to continue in a more appropriate thread

Iā€™ll just say that my biggest issue is your imagining that an organism without a functioning brain or any vital organs should be classified as a person. Is it a potential person? Sure. But so is any cell a potential person. Does this mean you shouldnā€™t ever scratch your nose because you are killing a potential life? I think youā€™d agree thatā€™s absurd. Iā€™d encourage you to put down the bible and pick up a book on science that can better explain this for you

Dems should use that to campaign in red states.

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Kamala speaking in front of the White House any minute now at some NCAA event




Itā€™s only a coup if it comes from the coup dā€™etat region of France. Otherwise, itā€™s just sparkling _________.



That first sentence has got to be as close to an anti-trump endorsement as you can get. Pretty wild times when a presidential nominee is anti-endorsed by his former VP. I guess pence didnā€™t appreciate trying to be hung.




