2024 US Presidential Election (Taylor's Version)

If that doesnt say Newsom 2024, im not sure what does

The problem is that every actual Dem underperforms Unnamed Generic Dem because every actual Dem is subject to personal attacks.


Exactly and it comes back to the propaganda machine. Between talk radio, TV news and online algorithms, conservative people are just floating in such a sea of consistent propaganda that there’s no need to ever step out of that information bubble and alternate reality. Then you go to rural parts of American and it’s not just those things. It’s also the talk on the shop floor, at the bar, where ever these people go together and it all just reinforces itself.

They were being told to hate Hillary in the 90s. She was blamed more than Bill for his affairs. They’re being told to hate AOC now.

It’s going to take an Obama / Reagan type of charisma and talent for any Dem to out poll the generic party.

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Number one thing dems could do is stop running anyone over 60. Ever. In any race. Anywhere.


How about a few people over 80?


Hot take(?): Newsom would not be a good candidate at all.

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I don’t think that’s that hot tbh, I think everyone looks at him and sees “douchebag”

Probably not super hot, a fair amount of people seem to think so but I dont get it. He ran a state larger economically than almost every country in the world, at a surplus, during a pandemic. He has a myriad of problems, sure, but what politician doesnt?

While Newsom is probably capable of having effective moments in a debate against a specific tinted opponent, if you hear him speak on tv, he does not come off as impressive or even all that empathetic. I would think he’d flame out in a primary. It seems like no Democrat has figured out yet that next to nobody wants to listen to canned political talk anymore, it would seriously be better if they’d state their positions in bullet points, generally avoid wonkery, and just be likeable and somewhat relatable or entertaining or nice.

Sounds like we need to reverse the order of our elections. Vote generic ballot in the general, then the winning party can hold a primary to decide the leader.


I’m sure the Brits here will be amused at the American who reinvented parliamenary democracy. Canadians as well.


Not only this but also none of them would actually stand up and say they disagree with some of Biden’s less popular actions (student debt reinstatement, Middle East policy, child tax credit, etc.).

I mean you are looking at a realistic field of like Newsom, Mayor Pete, Harris, I dunno Booker? Yawn.

They wouldn’t be anyone’s policy favorites but pick a Midwest governor (Whitmer, etc.) and they would probably be better than all of the above.

I said this in previous elections, but this time more than ever the Democrats should just nominate a “mystery” candidate. Not to be identified unless they win the election. I guarantee they would get 400+ electoral votes.


The recent poll has trump only 3 points behind Biden in terms of preserving democracy.

It’s the end.

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This person’s vote (in Pennsylvania) is more valuable than just about everyone here.

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Seriously nobody sane who was 80 years old and polling at 38 approval or whatever would consider for even a second running for a second term. You have to be a fucking psychopath to do that.

Trump 2024. At least elect someone who is actually genuinely good at being a psychopath.

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I mean, LBJ dropped out and he would probably would have been a coin flip to win in1968.

I thought this was a good point:



  • The most important voters are those who disapprove of both Biden and Trump. They should be more persuadable than hard core Biden/Trump voters.
  • When people are told what Biden has done, his approval ratings go up. (Much like people don’t like Obamacare, but really like all of the actual provisions of Obamacare.) This is particularly true among the voters who disapprove of both candidates.
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