2024 US Presidential Election: 20 More Days



Holy shit.

Thata an incredible graph

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8% undecided? Seems high

Kiddie rally is down the street.



1980 Reagan was crazy popular.

Your pony is at the wrong rally


As always add them on to Trump and you are close.

Your pony is down the street.


I try to remember when I was in elementary school and thought Regan was good. Thatā€™s really the only thing that allows me to empathize with republican voters. They are just like children who donā€™t know anything. (I actually donā€™t think this applies to Trump, because even children who know nothing about politics should should be able to see that he is an evil clown.)

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So I made this post back in September.

The cycle has repeated, but this time, our unknown hero has stepped up their game.


I got into a political discussion with one of my housemates. She is canvassing for local assemblymen, but of course all anyone wants to talk about is who theyā€™ll vote for president.

She said sheā€™s undecided herself, and that a lot of people are just thinking about who can help the economy and who can secure the border.

I told her a few reasons I couldnā€™t vote for Trump. One was that heā€™s a convicted rapist, and she said wtf? That this alone means she wonā€™t vote for him. She thought he was just a womanizer.

She cited concerns for the border, and I pointed out how Kamala had a border bill ready to go, but Trump killed the bill so he could wait to take credit for anything done when heā€™s president.

I reminded her that the dude will wreck the economy the same way he has wrecked his own finances. Would you really trust a guy who has declared bankruptcy that many times to fix anything?

And there is also the precedent of potentially having the first woman of color President.

Hopefully we won one for our side. Better yet if this becomes a rallying cry for her when canvassing. This was a stiff reminder that many are making their decision based on nothing.


JFC someone canvassing for another politician is that uninformed? We are truly doomed.

Fucking border security and economy man. None of these people could name a single harm thatā€™s ever come to them because of the border.

And literally no one remembers the days when you couldnā€™t get a job. When I graduated college in the early 90s, we would have happily traded some inflation for record low unemployment. The only people I knew who got jobs straight out of college were engineering and accounting majors. Everyone else sent off 100s of resumes to no reply and waited tables.

Republicans, with plenty of help from Russian bot farms, have done such a good job poisoning the well that everything is terrible for the last 4 years. Itā€™s filtered down to the normies. ā€œWell if things are so great why do I only hear negativity?ā€

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I was told that people that uninformed donā€™t exist.


Itā€™s probably someone else in her ear about the economy and border security (itā€™s basically all Trumpers have left, because they sure as hell arenā€™t mentioning their guy).

Risky Flush is now in an epic struggle with this other unnamed person. Godspeed.

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Trump calls himself the father of IVF after saying hotty Katie Britt just explained it to him.

Trump working Maccas reminds me of the Australian Prime Minister working a welder in the lead up to the election two years ago


He didnā€™t win


Yeah nobody should have border security in their top ten issues unless you live on the border and then itā€™s number ten.

Border security is just code for ā€œIā€™m scared of people who talk different and have darker skin than me even if I canā€™t quite articulate itā€


JFC I hate Cenk. He fancies himself a goddamn standup