2024 Republican Primary Thread: Haley drops out

Being told by a musician to stop using their songs at campaign functions is basically a requirement of any credible Republican candidate. This just means Ramaswamy has arrived.

Unfortunately posting Marc Theissen outside of the Poor Media Choices thread is utterly disqualifying on UP.


If a mayor ran for president, garnered no interest, and dropped out after 10 minutes, he would no longer seem credible as a mayor. Good luck being reelected in Miami now that everyone knows you’re a republican.

he’ll win easily, it’s non presidential year and he won easily the previous times, idk if anyone tries but like, miami is weak dem overall anyway, lots of cubans aren’t into socialism

also Miami mayors have been republican forever basically

Oddly Cubans folks like authoritarian types. I had an Eastern European can driver once that clearly liked strong men.

Why the fuck do they think they had to leave their home countries?

They want a strongman who they think is on their side. Same thing with the Armenians in my city who demonstrate against Erdogan and love Trump.


I think you’ll find the priority among most Cubans in Cuba was getting rid of the US puppet regime there, and if it necessitated an authoritarian type then so be it.

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Exactly, the vast majority of the world wants strong man leadership. It comes down to a mix of machismo culture and tribalism (wanting the guy who will do what is necessary to elevate my tribe over the others).

Also people in Western societies don’t understand what it is like to live in a place where the government is weak and there is not much rule of law. Strong man authoritarianism becomes an attractive alternative when your local world is chaotic, dangerous, and corrupt.


Yeah, I think people lie to themselves a little about how much they’d be willing for “their guy” to use strong man tactics, with an end justifies the means mentality. There have been plenty of posts on here semi-seriously wishing that Biden would strongarm/blackmail Manchin and Sinema to get them in line, or thumb his nose at the SC and implement student loan forgiveness unilaterally, etc.


I wouldn’t go with majority of the world but LOL at anyone thinking trump is a strongman

cause real strength is whining and complaining on twitter constantly

So then they got Castro, who they wanted to escape, and it was 2 generations ago. I don’t understand.

Cognitive dissonance.

Who says they wanted to escape from Castro en masse? The self-selecting sample you meet in the US?

This is actually GOOD news. It gives Suarez even more time to focus on making Miami Coin Great Again

That’s what we are talking about. The group that votes republican. Last I check, Cubans in Cuba don’t vote in US elections. Though that could be a theory……

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No, you said “Cubans folks like authoritarian types” and you’re only talking about a small and unrepresentative sample of Cubans.

If the price of getting universal health care and properly addressing climate change was accepting an authoritarian regime in the US, would you take it over the status quo?

The overall discussion was about US elections. This is the Rep primary thread and the entry point was the Rep mayor of Miami.

But you be right. Go ahead.


It should have stayed at the mayor of Miami then and not veered off into dubious generalisations.

Oh man thanks jal I was really confused if Dan was talking about Cubans in Florida who are actually relevant to the discussion or Cubans from 1954. If it wasn’t for you, we all might have been confused.