2024 NFL Gameday Thread

Just like it’s a pretty advanced strat to throw to Barkley for an easy first down and end the game. But sometimes you can get a bit too cute and get burned.

Philly also had 2 timeouts and still would’ve had plenty of time with the ball back.

I think with no timeouts, you just try to score a TD. Don’t want to end up only running two plays if something goes wrong. If I have a timeout or two, then yeah, try to drain a little clock on first down.

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+5.5 went from dead cert to super unlikely to paid all in 30 seconds.

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Also props to Koo nailing the 50-yard extra point.


Definitely not suggesting to not try to score. Some kind of creative running play to Bijon might have a higher likelihood of scoring than throwing some garbage ball to Ray Ray McCloud III. Has multiple ways to help you win the game there, and I’d postulate that Andy Reid has considered this scenario and would have jettisoned the 25 seconds or so that you absolutely don’t need from the 12 yard line in that spot if possible.

Yes, it’s obviously fancy play and scoring a touchdown there is totally fine and not the worst end-of-clock management that we’ve seen even this week. But this isn’t some insane 6-D chess, this is going for it on 4th and 4 from your 37 type stuff imo.

What’s odd about this play is that it’s the most basic and predictable play from that distance you see a dozen times every weekend, and they already ran it once before when he almost scored and was down inside the one. I was yelling at the TV on that one and then dumbfounded when they tap it again for the game and he’s equally wide open.

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Throwing there is just so dumb

Running you get a FD a lot

You don’t make it. Oh well. Run clock to 1:00 call time out. Kick FG

Kirk is down 6 with 55 seconds go to with no time outs

That last drive plays out differently.

Just nuking win equity.

I honestly think I’d rather be up 3 than up 6.

Teams when down 3 will so often go conservative once they get in FG Range, and you at least go to OT.

I’m of 2 minds on this.

On one hand, it’s not bad to just run it twice, try to pick it up, and at worst be up 3 with 50s left and the opponents have no TO’s

On the other hand, you schemed up an easy catch for a 1st down, you’ve gotta make plays at a certain point.

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Counterpoint. It’s Kirk cousins

Yeah, the decision to kick was so much worse than calling the pass play. I’ll even defend calling the pass there. Dude was wide open - catch the fucking ball.

Kicking it after that was so bad. Even if you don’t get the yards (and you might get the yards!), you’ve pinned them at the 10 and they will probably go for a safe 3 points rather than know they need the TD.

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I think throwing is bad, but throwing + kicking is the worst combo of all. I don’t love it, but I could at least understand going for it again after the first throw failed.

I think you’ve gotta run on 3rd down, and then pull out the 3rd down play on 4th instead. That way there’s no penalty for a dropped pass, as the clock would stop on the change of possession anyway.

I know its been a week and half. But if I could get rid of all the film from the first two weeks and start the season over I would. It has been a beyond rough start to the year. What makes it worse is the fact that Travon played mediocre this past game after being a dominant force in week one. I don’t think I can mentally take both of the 1st round picks being below average.

Though Walker’s week one was one of the single best games I’ve seen from a Jaguars defensive linemen ever. So a lot more hope there.


Seems like it’s a lot easier to have a fluke bad game than it is to have a fluke amazing one, even with stuff like Matt Flynn in fairly recent memory.

Was he going up against Armstead or Jackson in week 1?

Von Miller had by far his best game in two years vs Jackson.

Took two weeks to run out of watchable Thursday games, eh?

He actually was everywhere. Played 7i vs any TE, 5 tech on both sides. Slid down to a 4i at times. This is in both games. He is absolutely dominant against the run. Its a lot of fun to watch his run reps. Very John Randle like in that sense. His pass rush is still hit and miss. When he uses a bull rush or quick swim he has success and wins. Problem is it can’t be consistent. His other rush moves like speed and outside power just aren’t developing as fast as I’d want as a fan but probably he is ahead of schedule of what was expected.

Last week he just got swallowed too much and was biting on play fakes.

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You may not want it, you may not need it, but you’re getting more Jets in prime time baby

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Jesus christ that’s a bad forward progress call. He’s still looking down field!