2024 NFL Gameday Thread


So I see we’re rolling with a punt returner who never learned high school-level fundamentals of conducting a punt return.

Yikes, Seahawks. The defense is going to have to score all the points this season.


At least the Broncos are still bad.



That run by Walker was a complete failure (entirely owing to non-existent run blocking), but it’s hard not to be charmed by any play where your RB executes a full-fledged back bodydrop.


He doesn’t skip leg day

Well, that’s about enough of that.

This OL should all retire in shame.


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So, I imagine we’re presently on pace to have literally the worst OL in the history of the league. That probably won’t hold, but yeah.

“Sir, a second safety has hit the Seahawks”


And considering the history of Seahawks OLs outside of the Big Walt era, that’s some history!

Not sure it’s a great idea for these guys to be manipulating DNA.

On the bright side, really a very strong performance by the Seahawks defense. They’re the reason I still suspect this is going down as an ugly win instead of a loss.

Basically requires a defensive TD. Offense has only netted 1 point.


LOL cowboys on that delay of game.

man he made it too, that was wild