2024 LC Thread

Not really. We’re at 1 CEO killed for every 50,000 kids? Not really worth it.

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Just bus em to a red state. They don’t deserve to share California with Xiaolongbao

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Let me break up this conversation with a little holiday cheer, courtesy of me:


(American) boss got blackout drunk and tried to start a fight with me at our school staff Christmas party at a pub in Shanghai.

Work tomorrow should be fun.


What was it about? Btw does your boss expect you to be available all the time on non work hours? When I taught English in China my boss would be like there’s a meeting in 30 minutes, see ya there. All the administrators would also get blacked out drunk at staff dinners, and expect you too also, it was kinda fun if you could handle your baijou, not so much if you couldn’t.

I have nostalgia for my days of teaching in China and South Korea but I definitely wouldn’t go back.

I teach at a private English-language high school.

Official “international schools” require students to have foreign passports. My school isn’t that but colloquially would be considered as such. Apart from a few children of teachers the students are all PRC nationals. Some brilliant kids are on scholarship to give the school clout, but most families are paying 27k~ usd per year. Curriculum is AP and kids are basically locked out of going to Chinese universities.

The school is an absolute mess. Over the years this sort of school has gone from upwardly-mobile kids getting a chance to go abroad to a safety-valve for rich kids to get out of the hyper-competitive and stressful Chinese public school system and get accepted to whichever American university will take them.

Outside of the scholarship students, it’d be a joke to send your kid to my school over a top Shanghai public high school. (Students in China take an entrance exam for high schools that determines placement and many simply drop out after 9th grade.)

Anyhow, boss is a drunk asshole and overheard me making a joke about graduating from the unanimous number one university in America according to the Associated Press (in football) and immediately started slurring insults at me. “Are you retarted? Are you on drugs? Your classes are shit” basically right in my face. I just went outside and hung out with other colleagues and he was escorted out 20 minutes later.


Out of curiosity, how are the results for the best kids at your school? Are they competitive for the top tier colleges in the US? I figure if they have a 4.0 or whatever the equivalent is these days and great scores on SAT and a lot of AP exams, their prospects should be pretty good.

Then again it seems like there are boatloads of kids with that exact resume in the US and not enough spots for all of them at those places (some even sweat admission to their best state school), so I’m not sure.

My community did it in the middle of town. Some people threw a big stink about it. They also cut down on all of the tent encampments that had popped up. Probably good policy all around

Another thing Newsom and California did recently that will help a lot with housing is some encouraging and some requiring cities to allow ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units) to be built. I don’t think this will have the same kind of gentrification problems that come along with bulldozing old buildings and replacing them with luxury condos or apartments. And, the construction of ADUs seems to be going nuts. I see it all over the place and people I know in construction are getting a lot of work on them. It’s not going to target people living on the street now, but it is something that will grow mostly relatively affordable housing. There have been several bills expanding this since 2016 and the latest is an amnesty for units that were built without permits.

Yea, teaching in small town China was pretty wild, very memorable, but yeah that was definitely a one time thing

Ha, well I’m guessing if he remembers it he probably won’t want to bring it up.

But damn I thought taking the gaokao was rough enough, they gotta do HS placement test too? Yeesh

A few get into Ivy League schools.

State-owned enterprises in China have dumb rules about foreign-educated applicants needing to have gone to one of the world’s top x universities. For that and other reasons there’s an obsession with university rankings.

Do the kids who do well actually intend to return and settle down in China?

Nowadays they largely do.

Glad I never had to teach English in Japan on anything more than a brief part-time basis. Most full-time English teachers here are miserable human beings–especially those who do it for more than a year or two.

This post is just 2 days old. but I swear shit has gotten worse since this post. Yes youtube you had figured out the way to beat normal adblock. If you hadn’t gotten greedy I might have let you pop in with a 30 second ad here and there. But a 3 minute unskippable ad about a kid with cancer has me downloading this and it seems to be working.


Teaching English in Japan is basically a brainless, dead-end profession. It can be a great way to come to the country on a visa that allows you to live and experience the culture for a year or two. And it’s fine as long as that’s all you see it as.

But many are the sad gaijin who come to Japan initially with that plan, but one year turns into five, then 10. Perhaps they find a local spouse, get married, have kids. And because they have no other marketable skills and in most cases, can barely speak the local language, they become stuck in a job that pays poorly, is low status, has no room for advancement, and is thoroughly unchallenging.

These are the bitter ones who come to hate the country.

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What changed?