2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Bremmer is usually fairly cautious, but he’s not screwing around here.

I wonder if Borodog and Nielsio will be moving to Argentina, or if they will insist thay Milei is No True Anarchocapitalist and the fact that he hasnt immediately dissolved the government proves he’s actually a Filthy Statist.


Awwww shit, are we gonna get Roof Roadzzzzzz ™ in Argentina now?

For context (and I don’t have a link) one of my favorite comments in the history of the internet came from a 2+2 AC thread. Somebody asked one of the resident ACers what they would do if a cunning capitalist bought all the roads in front of his house and charged a toll every time he wanted to leave or enter his driveway. His solution, of course, was to build a road from his roof to a road that didn’t charge a toll.



A-ha, I found it.

Bravo Mr. Vegetarian

This guy is a relic from the 2010s internet, good luck, Argentina.


Anarchocapitalists are worse than MAGA.

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From what I’ve read, most people in Argentina understand that this guy is a lunatic but things are getting so bad under the current center-left government they’re just like “fuck it, how much worse can it get?”

Wait a minute…

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It’s not the first time that they’ve elected a non Peronista, the kind of go to party, as a fuck you to the economic situation. The problem is that Argentina’s problems require more than just a fuck you candidate, they require someone with disipline, a mandate, political power, etc

I’m sure accelerationism will work out this time.

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OM God

Would be curious to see how this relates to ten years ago. I have a feeling that tip fatigue has lowered the average tip considerably in the last little while

JFC that video on there.

Makes me frothy with rage.

Pretty simple concept here. If you can not aford to pay your employees a livable wage, DO NOT OPEN A BUSINESS.


Jonathan Tebes and Jeffrey Fagan have a new working paper they are presenting at conferences and quietly circulating that provides the single most compelling research effort into the effects of Stop and Frisk I have come across to date, one which makes the case that Stop and Frisk had now measurable effect at the margin to deter crime while, at the same came, causing significant harm to the young Black men walking the streets of New York City.

Please go through the slides, but let me summarize. Using a credible and clever event study design around the end of Stop and Frisk, Tebes and Fagan are able to identify the effect of stops on crime, finding an impressively precise null effect. They then look the effect of these stops of neighborhood schooling outcomes, specifically interruptions to instruction, persistent absences, suspensions, and graduation. The result, again, is very clear: Stop and Frisk was a disaster for high school age Black Men.


EIGHTEEN MINUTES!? I think I’ll pass.

I still can’t read that word without thinking of Rick Santorum.






The Roman Empire has gone woke:

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lol I feel like this is specifically intended to troll Jordan Petersen and I am here for it

We, Claudia