2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Really though, I Claudius had gender-fluid Roman emperors back in the 70’s, this is nothing new. They had pornographic scrolls too, that show was rowdy af.


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This isn’t really Low Content, but I’m not sure where to put it otherwise.


Looks like a car bomb

Does anyone know where that Vivek Ramaswamy guy is?

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Fun blast from the past here, the 2003 FT came across my youtube feed.

Lol at the “How to play Hold Em” rules


It’s so much more relaxed compared to today.

I guess he did try to warn us!

Trump would have nuked Toronto by now (because he wouldn’t have believe that Ottawa is the capital).


I thought it was only in the movies that vehicles blew up without explosives.


Cause still TBD


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Looks like they may have been making their way any way they know how.


Reminds me of the opening scene of The Blues Brothers. Except these guys are dead.

Jesus christ they had to be doing 110 easy.

And its too late. The Chuds already have their narrative about terrorism. Ten years from now there will be feeds on whatever comes after Twitter saying 11/22/23 never forget, and how 11/22/23 - 11/22/63 is exactly 60 years, and these terrorists were obviously trying to kill our greatest president Donald Trump exactly 60 years after our laat presidential assassination.

Just so you all know, this is consistent with the driving skill of the median Toronto driver these days. There’s a good chance this whole incident is panicked poor driver that slammed that gas instead of the brake.


wow That car got a lot of distance on that jump.


Cracking up at the thought of people being terrified of a terrorist attack at our northern border, as if any moment Canada might pull a hamas and start pouring across the border on mooseback and start taking hostages. Good thing we got both presidents involved to reassure everyone that everything was fine and not to panic.

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